this is the only picture you get..and thats because i just spent 5 days in the ICU
i had my phone for a total of 5 minutes and i must of accidently taken that haha
thursday morning..woke up..puked blood everywhere..woke up friend..told her to take me to the hospital
later on..nurse tells me she needs me to pee in a cup..i told her i couldnt..she told me she was going to stick a tube up my pee hole..i told her id kick her in the face..she threw a bed pan at me...
dont remember anything until 3 am
nurse is pricking my fingers telling me i have diabetes
and i have 4 ivs in my arm and they are giving me shit that smells like sewer because my liver is failing and i might need a transplant and i have a temp of 102.5
now im finally the fuck out of that hell hole..i missed 2 days of school..a day of work...and knocked 5 days off of my life because i was stuck in hell
I hope you are okay dear.

;A; Awww, I hope things get better. You are so so brave..