Anyway, a whole bunch new in my life. I am now back in South Dakota for the cheap, cheap, cheap law school. Arts Admin will never allow me to pay off a school debt from a different school... The former Exec Dir of Steppenwolf suggested to me, when I was interning and working there,...
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But they also misread my previous statements about a forum NOT being a play, so what of it?
I am not against Christianity, but the way some people are using it as an excuse to tell others what to do...
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I don't agree with your claim here that "Her description doesn't especially read like a satire and/ or parody."
I had pasted her description of the play above my post. Was I somehow unclear about that? I wasn't blindly referencing the play as a whole. I can only comment upon what I have read... which happened to be less than a paragraph. Olsen talks about the humanistic approach she took with her characters. So, does that previous comment smack of her using the convention of sarcasm? I'm also glad you were able to supply the definitions for satire, parody, myth & mythology. I wouldnt've been able to keep track.
Here's the gist of it. I personally don't care about the religious perspective in regard to the aforementioned play. I only wanted to supply constructive criticism as to why her tagline didn't seem to jive. Isn't that the overall purpose of the theatre group? Religion seems to be a sensitive topic with you... hence the number of pages in your response. I'm glad you were able to get it out of your system. Also, I hope the above comments aren't taken as continued attacks. I've talked far more about that particular sentence than I ever cared to. Seriously, I didn't think it warranted this much discussion. Have a good weekend. Take care. Be safe.
Latest bit of wit. We decided that from this Easter forward, everyone must watch zombie movies on Easter sunday to commemorate Zombie Jesus day.
Zombie Jesus,
Zombie Jesus,
He's your saviour,
you're his dinner,
Zombie Jesus,
Zombie Jesus.
Nothing interesting to say. Just thought I should.
Anyway, to the punchline, I can't wait for the sequel, "Pimp my Bride." They dress up, pimp out and video your...
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but thanks for stopping by!
This gives you three bits of info about me:
a. How much I eat sugar.
b. How often I am home to look through my cupboard.
I come to mock Bush, not to praise him.
For Bush is an honorable man;
So are they all; all honorable men
Soliloquy 3/18/03
To kill or be killed: that is the question:
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous neighbors;
Or to take arms across the sea to trouble,
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