I'm declaring myself on sabatical from filling this space with deep, philisophical thoughts. Instead I'm going to talk about art for a while. I've reignited my love affair with photography recently. I'm dusting off old vocabulary like "color" and "saturation".
My design minded friend was helping me find a rug for my living room this past Friday. After exploring that avenue, I wandered off to explore this wonderful funiture store. I quickly found myself in the bedroom area taking mental inventory of the color combinations that caught my eye:
Green, Dark Grey, Beige
Blue, Brown, Olive
Brown, Orange
Grey, White, Blue
Blue, Green
Grey, Blue
My design minded friend was helping me find a rug for my living room this past Friday. After exploring that avenue, I wandered off to explore this wonderful funiture store. I quickly found myself in the bedroom area taking mental inventory of the color combinations that caught my eye:
Green, Dark Grey, Beige
Blue, Brown, Olive
Brown, Orange
Grey, White, Blue
Blue, Green
Grey, Blue
I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm guessing someone stood on it. It's so funny!
I also have a love affair with photography, just the other side of the camera.