I'm really torn between being single for the first time in about, oh, ten years, and moving in with my girlfriend. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but at the same time I give up a lot to make either one happen. I love her, but I wonder if I'm not being too stubborn about making it work. I have a bit of a...
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Well I would say, if you're not sure then wait; but I never do and it's always been the best thing for me.
WOOT! fantastic. Congrats!!!
Ok, so tomorrow and thursday my wife moves out. Friday I fly to NC, one way and drive back with my gf so she can move in. Things are friendly and more than that with the wife, but we have things we have to work on separately (and in independent counseling). Final tomorrow and thursday. Quite a few journal entries to make up. Best friend...
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How are things going these days?
Hope you are ok, it has been ages.
And now things are better? WTF. My life is sooo unstable right now. I'm trying to be happy about the better situation, but I can't trust it yet.
Life is a bit crazy. I hope things are better for you though.
What's going on??
Its been a fucking horrid week. I am now completely single.
Omg....are you ok??

Best weekend...ever.
And three days later...dumped. I don't have words or emotions for this.
And three days later...dumped. I don't have words or emotions for this.
What do you do when you find our your buddy's wife (who you are also friends with) is cheating on him...when you are sure that it will end their marriage and probably do so kinda violently?
Evidently the incorrect thing to do is figure out why she's cheating and try to get her to open up to her husband about those things while telling her...
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Evidently the incorrect thing to do is figure out why she's cheating and try to get her to open up to her husband about those things while telling her...
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Becka and I went up and visited Jen this last weekend. Holy shit that was a rather long drive. Good times for the most part, though the two of them are still adjusting to each other and that led to some friction. That all got worked out eventually and I think a lot of that will be better and easier on them once she moves...
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It does get easier when they spend more time together, at least in my experience.
How many minutes to July? I'm going to start my packing NOW for my new living arrangements
How many minutes to July? I'm going to start my packing NOW for my new living arrangements

We are on Hodir What about you?
So evidently my girlfriend, my wife, and I are all insane. She is moving in in July. We are seeing each other at least 4 times between now and then to make sure everything is as great as it seems.
We have been going through our kitchen stuff since she and I both love to cook and bake, figuring out what each of us has...
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We have been going through our kitchen stuff since she and I both love to cook and bake, figuring out what each of us has...
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I hope everything works out for you all !!!!
This is excellent!
The three of us are moving in together in July. Aarrghhhh I want it NOOOOOW. NOW. I am terrified and scared and so happy and I got some boxes from work today to start packing
The three of us are moving in together in July. Aarrghhhh I want it NOOOOOW. NOW. I am terrified and scared and so happy and I got some boxes from work today to start packing

Holy fuck, that could not have gone better. At all. In any way. Except maybe if someone had knocked on our door and offered her a job so she could have stayed.
I am so happy for you.
I am so happy for you and me actually
I am so happy for you and me actually
I was worried you were being sarcastic, then I remembered you were American
I'm really pleased for you.

I'm really pleased for you.
Things have been rough the past while, but I pick her up at midnight and we'll see how rough they really are then. Hopefully I can get her feeling less nervous and less guilty.
In other news of why today rocks: my semester is over!
In other news of why today rocks: my semester is over!
It'll be fine I reckon. You're good at this kind of thing from what I can see.
Ignore all that I said before, I'm over it. Suddenly everything is much better. Still upset he did the things he did...and the fact that he fucked up his flight and was stuck there an additional day...but he's gone now...and she and I have been talking and things are great.
In other good news I get $1800 back from the government this year.
In other good news I get $1800 back from the government this year.
I managed to get them done the eve of the 14th. AWESOME on the money. Eek, on the other stuff.
sounds like a rough go of things, but I'm sure you guys will work it through.


So I figured out that my main problem with is was the sudden lack of communication and after we talked about that things have been a lot better (as in she is making more time to talk to me, she still hasn't told him . I'm still not happy he is there, but I know she isn't exactly happy about it either. And while I'd...
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Im glad you guys have talked and resolved some stuff, communication is always good !!!!