Why do some people who are supposed to hate violence and cruelty so much LOVE to watch extremely, LOVINGLY violent movies, tv and video games - and listen to violent or hateful music? It pervades our media, even our literature.
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Friday Aug 03, 2007
Nobody loves me? ... And don't give me any damn lectures!!! -
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
This is exasperating!!! I'm in pain ALL the time!!! Even when I'm i… -
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
The stupid things I've done and said could fill a whole set of encycl… -
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
Free air conditioners!!! A lot of people in this building( which is a… -
Thursday Jul 12, 2007
Cervical disk degeneration I went again to the V.A. today and saw … -
Wednesday Jul 04, 2007
I fell in the shower and hurt my back last night. I've been getting t… -
Tuesday Jul 03, 2007
I did do the poetry reading and I sold 2 tapes and gotpaid $5.00 by J… -
Monday Jul 02, 2007
I'm sick of computers!!!!!!! My myspace account has been phished. So… -
Wednesday Jun 20, 2007
MUSIC STORE You can hear and purchase tracks from my cd off of my mus… -
Wednesday Jun 20, 2007
<embed src="http://void.snocap.com/s/T3-31324-SYJTN32DPY-5/" widt…
I'm not sure if that even makes any sense
<3 K
But it's getting or has already gotten to the point where they make entertainment out of real life violence and other peoples' misery.
This is nothing new though. I have to admit. It goes back centuries