Why do some people who are supposed to hate violence and cruelty so much LOVE to watch extremely, LOVINGLY violent movies, tv and video games - and listen to violent or hateful music? It pervades our media, even our literature.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 24, 2007
Instead of complaining about the darkness, turn the light on. ---- … -
Saturday Sep 22, 2007
I love Hillary Clinton. I think she would make a great president. A… -
Sunday Sep 16, 2007
Time flees. And you can't catch up to it. And it won't come back. … -
Thursday Sep 13, 2007
Zippity doo dah, zippity ay! My oh my what a beautiful day! There i… -
Saturday Sep 08, 2007
9/11 conspiracy theorists are nuts!!! Much bigger nuts even than JF… -
Sunday Sep 02, 2007
Poetry Reading: My Birthday Sep. 10 Mocha Dreams Cafe 20672 Center … -
Saturday Aug 25, 2007
Birthday musc festival Saturday September 1 at 5p.m. At Mocha Dream… -
Monday Aug 06, 2007
You know, I believe in reincarnation. I really do. But I'm afraid o… -
Saturday Aug 04, 2007
Nobody loves me ? ... It appears that way. -
Saturday Aug 04, 2007
I love my puddy tat!!!
I'm not sure if that even makes any sense
<3 K
But it's getting or has already gotten to the point where they make entertainment out of real life violence and other peoples' misery.
This is nothing new though. I have to admit. It goes back centuries