Why do some people who are supposed to hate violence and cruelty so much LOVE to watch extremely, LOVINGLY violent movies, tv and video games - and listen to violent or hateful music? It pervades our media, even our literature.
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Wednesday Mar 26, 2008
I'm dying of lung cancer now - it's just a matter of time, and not ve… -
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I have lung cancer. It is very extensive. And may not be operable. … -
Saturday Jan 12, 2008
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Sunday Nov 04, 2007
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Friday Nov 02, 2007
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Friday Oct 19, 2007
When it comes to football, why don't they just let the officials play… -
Monday Oct 01, 2007
I have KING OF KINGS on tv right now(on TCM). I joined it in time to… -
Monday Oct 01, 2007
Why do some people who are supposed to hate violence and cruelty so m… -
Friday Sep 28, 2007
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Thursday Sep 27, 2007
ABORTION IS MURDER I would make exeptions for incest, rape and the…
I'm not sure if that even makes any sense
<3 K
But it's getting or has already gotten to the point where they make entertainment out of real life violence and other peoples' misery.
This is nothing new though. I have to admit. It goes back centuries