I once knew a snot-nosed kid
Who ran around with her head so low
It made me sad
I thought I was sad
But she was sadder
And I didn't know why
She was so snot-nosed
She wanted me to write a poem
About snot
But I couldn't do that
Snot is not pot
It won't make you high
It might make you sigh
Snot has not got a lot
Going for it
Snot is just a lot of snot
I once knew a snot-nosed kid
Who did a lot of things to make me
Smile and laugh
I was very sad
She didn't know why
She was so snot-nosed
She wanted me to write a poem
About snot
But I couldn't do that
Excuse me while I blow my nose
Copyright Christopher Steele Brower
I once knew a snot-nosed kid
Who ran around with her head so low
It made me sad
I thought I was sad
But she was sadder
And I didn't know why
She was so snot-nosed
She wanted me to write a poem
About snot
But I couldn't do that
Snot is not pot
It won't make you high
It might make you sigh
Snot has not got a lot
Going for it
Snot is just a lot of snot
I once knew a snot-nosed kid
Who did a lot of things to make me
Smile and laugh
I was very sad
She didn't know why
She was so snot-nosed
She wanted me to write a poem
About snot
But I couldn't do that
Excuse me while I blow my nose
Copyright Christopher Steele Brower
I LOVED that poem...It did make me laugh!
This poem made me laugh!
I'm sorry I didn't get to check it out sooner!