Coachella was a hot misstress... 100 degrees!
I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Throbbing Gristle and bands I don't remember, but it was a time to remember, that is, what I remember of it. Photographic evidence below...
Lots and lots and lots of people and parking is easy to find, but it's impossible to find your car after the show. I am learning to Coachella slowly...

The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs hit the stage.

Karen O. of the YYYs rocks it!

A video I shot of the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs playing Maps... that song is magical love. I make a guest appearance at the very end.
My buddy Ron's back tattoo is a glorious Charles Burn illustration of William S. Burroughs.

I would get my love all over that. Cute top!

Not even sure what band this was at this point... it gets all blurry in my eyes!

The Cure!

Robert Smith is Goth-lectable!

I'm not lying when I say I was blown at Coachella.

Two! Two! Two drinks in one!

Double-fisting was the only way to drink at Coachella.

This is what the bar looks like after you've been double-fisting all day.

Must hydrate!

I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Throbbing Gristle and bands I don't remember, but it was a time to remember, that is, what I remember of it. Photographic evidence below...
Lots and lots and lots of people and parking is easy to find, but it's impossible to find your car after the show. I am learning to Coachella slowly...

The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs hit the stage.

Karen O. of the YYYs rocks it!

A video I shot of the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs playing Maps... that song is magical love. I make a guest appearance at the very end.
My buddy Ron's back tattoo is a glorious Charles Burn illustration of William S. Burroughs.

I would get my love all over that. Cute top!

Not even sure what band this was at this point... it gets all blurry in my eyes!

The Cure!

Robert Smith is Goth-lectable!

I'm not lying when I say I was blown at Coachella.

Two! Two! Two drinks in one!

Double-fisting was the only way to drink at Coachella.

This is what the bar looks like after you've been double-fisting all day.

Must hydrate!

Robert Smith's hair is a bit too wispy for my taste, but I suppose he'd look even worse if it was short. Were they amazing?
the effing Cure!! Lucky! And can't really go home till you've been blown! Maybe that should be the Coachella motto! Hahah! Also that is one hella sick Burroughs tattoo your buddy has going on there!