woah death....oooohhhh death

cant ya spare me over 'till another year?

skull skull skull skull
woah death....oooohhhh death

cant ya spare me over to another year?

skull skull skull skull skull
woah death....oooohhhh death

cant ya spare me over to another year?

skull skull skull skull
Rough night.......
shoewheeee surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal
gracious, i understand very few of your photos. i only hope that was the point...
Thank you for the link.
I see it has samples and everything- awesome.
It's looks like a lot of information though, so I'm going to have to check it out later. I do appreciate it though, sir.
I'll get back to you about it after I check it out.

so what's up with the poop and shoeewheee's? Hope everything is under control now wink
mad mad mad mad
poop indeed!
Ahhhh Christmas. Let me first say that I like people who like Christmas. I have just grown so indifferent to it. I'm not a Christian, I'm not in to blatant consumerism and I don't really have a lot of twinkly nostalgic feelings relating to the innocent kinder days of yore, so why would I like Christmas you may ask? Because as with all of life.....it...
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Yes, I suppose I am.
Though since I've already been through a bunch of sick, I feel like winter should be over. I don't really love cold unless there's snow on the ground. Which there isn't right now. I want to go sledding a few times, and then I'll be looking forward to Spring.

Good luck on your first DJ gig- sounds interesting enough. I don't think I've ever heard much garage/surf/etc from Turkey. Maybe possibly probably none? and Good luck on your trip. Sounds nice, wish I could join ya. When are you leaving? Maybe I'll meet you there.
hehe....small world...

kwang chong is my man also

I hate to admit it but, my apartment has a mouse problem. I finally figured out how to use the traps and I subsequently set them up tonite. I know that they are just mice and that they are just doing what it is that mice do, but I cant wait to get the fuck rid of them. They leave pooh all over the damn...
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Yeah, I'm not too terribly worried about the mice problem. I've just heard about the little critters taking up residency around the motor and chewing through wires and stuff... that and getting into the interior and leaving little nasty mousey turds and such.

She is a '59 Deville. She needs some work done. I'm really looking forward to warmer weather so I can start fixin her up. Well, trying to. As of right now, I don't know much about car fixin's. I will though. I'm so excited!

So how'd the glue traps work?

xxxxxxx DOWN WITH MICE xxxxxxx
skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull

[Edited on Dec 13, 2003 8:37PM]
Wow .....has anyone else been keeping up with this whole German Cannibal story? What a wacky world this is. skull skull skull skull eeek Descant the Insalubrious
That man is my new hero
Woah......I just turned on TeleMundo; Just in time to catch the last ten minutes of Over the Top overdubbed in Espanol!!! Life is so cruel, the way it taunts me and dangles such morsels before me as if I was a common mule.
well thank you, mister biscuits.
by the way- moustache rides- 5 cents
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Owwww!!! My aching head! I've never been so stressed out in my life. I need a vacation, come to think of it, Ive never had an official vacation. For the first time in my life Im going to take a real vacation. I hear Bagdhad is nice this time of year.
Woah......I just turned on TeleMundo; Just in time to catch the last ten minutes of Over the Top overdubbed in Espanol!!! Life is so cruel, the way it taunts me and dangles such morses before me as if I was a common mule.