Hello from the barrel of a bong,

Working my arse off this week, all the days seem to bleed into one and all the wharves start to look the same when you start work at 1:30am. I've just been in a daze all week, I'm so tired and all I want to do is sit around and smoke up, so I am.

Guitar's in being...
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what happened to you on friday night, we missed you at the hookup, I was looking forward to a drink and a chat with you dude.
The good news is we are doing it all again soon.
This time at the waterloo bay hotel bar and bistro they also have a great beer garden, dates will be posted on SGAU, hope to see you there.


[Edited on May 01, 2004 7:34AM]
hey dude come and chat to us again, hope to see you at the next hookup in june
Yo cats, I is still 'ere.

I'm really broke, it sucks. Because the band has been real busy I've had to take a bit of time off work, so I was going to prioritise my expenditures and shit...but I may stick it out, I'm playin' it by ear.

I put some photos up from the bronx show last wednesday night, it was fucking cool. They...
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Still workin on the photo thingy....I'm computer illiterate and me grammas aint ups to scratch eva. I'm the goodest.

I was starting to think you didn't give a rancid rodents rectum about we truly any more.
So you can imagine my relief indeed my joy at seeing your post in my journal. *tongue firmly stuck in cheek*
(keep your mind out of the gutter ya filthy bastard, I mean the cheek of my mouth)

Seriously though it's good to hear from you man and it will be great if you can make it to the hookup.

Nuckinya biggrin

What Bird haha

[Edited on Apr 12, 2004 12:42AM]
I think I'm out peeps. Contemplating my decision, growing bored, getting poorer, not coming from melbourne....keep you posted if you give a shit, which, in all likelyhood you do not. Think I'll move to South America and join a leftist guerilla movement, maybe the zapatistas.

Peace. Chris.
At least hang around for the nekkid girlies
What the fuck, don't do that we haven't had that beer yet, give me a call and we'll get together for a drink.

Shit and just when I was really getting to like you man, what a bummer.
I am serious dude give us call my shout A.

Who or what the fuck brought this on, if it was a who let me know and we'll send the boy's around to help them avoid poking holes in their manners in future.
They have some real creative ways of encouraging people to reflect on the error of their ways and helping to facilitate future love and respect for one another.
Their methods are not always painless but they are character building haha.

Nuckinya biggrin

[Edited on Apr 01, 2004 5:32AM]
How'a ya weekend? Rad I hope.

Frenzal Rhomb/bouncing souls show was cool. We had a circle pit when we played and kids crowd surfing and shit. They presold 1300 tickets and most of those people were there from the start so we played to heaps of kids.

I got really drunk off Frenzals rider cos' ours was meagre and they were all nice dudes, and...
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It was good to meet you on saturday night! hmm.. sounds like it was a very drunken crazy night all round! .. i had way too many vodkas that night.. i was even dancing.. argh!..
That is excellent there were so many people at the bouncing souls/frenzal show.. great exposure for your band!!
Anyways.. catch you round brisvegas!!
skull XX
sounds like heaven! i'm SO there!
It looks like it's going to be a nice day today. It's a pretty crisp morning, and there's no clouds about.

Sun is shining, weather is sweet and yes it does make me wanna move my dancin' feet.

Haven't been dancing for a while...any good dancers among us? I dance with my arms more than my feet. Yep I sure do suck when it comes...
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werd, ya herd?
Did anyone watch the Burbs last night?
I used to love that movie when I was litlle tacker, but some of the shine was gone. Nothing like rose coloured glasses to ruin a movie.

I've reached this stage in my life now where I'm already becoming very nostalgic. It's strange because nostalgia is a new feeling for someone who's just finished being a kid. Does...
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Awwww don't laugh at me frownfrown
are you in mel-bin?
I had an idea today...I think the next olympics should be in Kabul or Baghdad, no, seriously think about it.

It seems like the best way to get people to pour money into development is to host the olympics.

And you could modify the games to incorperate the customs and daily lives of the local people.

In kabul you could have the landmine gauntlets instead...
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Hey ya chop.. how slack am i.. sorry i haven't replied to your message before now.. i have banned myself from sg for the past couple of weeks in an effort to actually get stuff done when i sit down at my computer instead of spending my whole time on sg!? confused ... i am TRYING to get my website for my clothing company up and running which is happening way too slowly for my liking. I saw you at the Rambo show on sat night.. we got their really late and only saw Rambo... who were ok, not sure about the whole straight edge preaching thing though.. we really need more pro-alcohol bands i thinks.. I was gonna come and say hi, but you guys were gone after the show.... i hope you had a fun night anyways.....
btw.. i agree gekos funkin rule.
I have to disagree with your IP claim on 'frothy chop' I first started using it back in 1989 when I did a stint as a weekend warrior in her mages army reserves, I was a medic with the 6th Field Ambulance and we had drinking group called 'F.U.C.K' the Federated Union of Camouflaged Killers and we were sponsors and supporters of 'C.U.N.T' the Carlton United Netball Team haha.
Go the gecko and I promise to only watch the Athens Olympics a little bit and to feel guilty when doing so. I only like watching the womens gymnastics, swimming and diving events anyway for there aesthetics value of course. Ill boycott the rest on principle, you know the power of one and all that.

Nuckinya biggrin
Was tha haps cats? Thank (insert replacement for god) it's friday.

For any brissy kids looking for something to do on saturday we're playing at invisible ink (I think that's the name of the venue) with Rambo, who are from the states, and some other bands who I can't remember.

Apparently it's a pyjama party, I don't know what that entails exactly, I wont be...
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Hey chop, I'm gearin up for that drink bro. Here's some inspiration for you.

Nuckinya biggrin
Hmmm drinkies.......

Still needing to know when and where...
International Womens Solidarity Day today kiddies, so props to the ladies. The idea that women today are liberated is a myth, the struggle continues.....

"Those who speak of Revolution and class struggle with explicit references to everyday life, without understanding the subersiveness of love and what's positive in the refusal of constraints, they have a cadaver in their mouths"
(Raoul Vaneigem 'The Revolution of Everyday...
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I did a dance piece 4 years ago (wow I can't believe it has been that long) entitled The Quickening. It was about a vampire. It didn't go into cheesy, fake teeth, black capes or anything along that line. I created a character to use as a vehicle to look at human nature. I had some questions tossing about in my mind. If you lost your humanity, how would you feel? Why would you make that choice? What realizations about your existance would you come to?

The Quickening is the moment when a baby's movement is first felt.....however, I've also read the same word applied to a death as well. The character in the dance work, chooses her death because she loses her own baby. She leaves everything behind.....

[Edited on Mar 08, 2004 6:45AM]
Toots and the Maytals and Burning Spear in April but kinda expensive....hmmmmmm
I have to work in 135km/hr winds and pouring rain today, tying up oil tankers. Should be a blast.

How the fuck is everyone?

Monica is going to try out for SG, how cool is that? Well I think it's a good idea anyways.

Band practico this arvo radcore. Not much else to report, haven't smoked pot in two whole days now, I'm trying to...
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The Quickening.....I did a dance work entitled the very same.

What's your spin on the name? biggrin
hell o smile
Keepin' it real cats, miao!!

Work, work, work. I am a bitch to the machine. Crazy world man, Iraq's on the cusp of civil war, which would give the Americans a quick out, leaving a blood soaked country to it's own demise.

Or could this signal the arrival of 'the man on the white horse' another Saddamesque military leader, the iron fist to create stability (for...
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sooooooooo true............ you rule!
I earnt the name in London, I was over there when the movie came out, and because I have a handle bars tash, and tattoos they started calling me chop. It just stuck,

What would the real chop think? That's not a question I care to find the answer to. I'm a pacifist, hard on the outside, soft in the middle. Unless he sues me for breach of copyright or theft of intellectual property, I should be sweet.

You won't tell him will you?

Lets flip this shit, what would Jah Rastafari, ruler upon ruler, or even just a couple of big Kingston ghetto yout's think of yours?

peace chop.
Suspect. Commenting on my own journal before anyone else.
Just thought I'd mention that my bands web page is finally up and running again so if you're at all interested go to www.thequickeningonline.net and sus my shit out bitches. Respect.
I like death of a salesman, will have to come and check out one of your gigs.

Yo, come say hi to the peeps in SGAu! How can you live up there man, it's so freakin hot.