Things are... strange.
In other news... I just watched Shoot Em Up and Stardust today. Being single and currently snowed in, it was nice to have some relaxing down time. Shoot Em Up was really bizarre. Kind of a parody/homage thing, but shot and directed and acted very seriously. Reminded me of a lesser Hot Fuzz.
Stardust was awesome. Michelle Pfieffer is still smokin' hot after all these years. And DeNiro's performance, without giving anything away, was fantastic.
If you wanna have a good time, go rent Stardust.

I just got back from vacation with family, it was nice. I still have two whole days before I have to go back to work
life, other than that, is same ol' same ol'. You haven't missed much on here.
So, what are you up to these days? I see the girlfriend didn't work out, I'm sorry.