There be Koi in my pond.. Yay!
Um.. I'll upload some pictures when I get around to it..
And, no.. I'm not dead.. Just um.. being my normal stare at the walls self.. Though now I have Koi to stare at!
Eh.. I need a fucking life, or a wife or a lottery win. heh. That would solve a lot of problems.
On a silly note.. The best line I pulled out on someone.. Cause, it's fun to taunt one another.. Breadguys have boring lifes while working.
" Bitch, I'll have you gobbling on my balls like a hungry hungry hippo! "
Don't ask.. You'd be a bit askew in the head to, if your day started at 4am everyday.
Um.. I'll upload some pictures when I get around to it..
And, no.. I'm not dead.. Just um.. being my normal stare at the walls self.. Though now I have Koi to stare at!
Eh.. I need a fucking life, or a wife or a lottery win. heh. That would solve a lot of problems.
On a silly note.. The best line I pulled out on someone.. Cause, it's fun to taunt one another.. Breadguys have boring lifes while working.
" Bitch, I'll have you gobbling on my balls like a hungry hungry hippo! "
Don't ask.. You'd be a bit askew in the head to, if your day started at 4am everyday.
I really don't think a wife is the answer you're looking for. If anything that would just bring up more questions. (i.e. Don't you love me anymore? Do I look fat in these shoes? Who was that woman you were talking to? Why should I let you out of the basement?)