Yay! My pond kit came today.. And, damn was that fast! So, I went out and dug a little more. Making an outline of how I plan on it looking. I'll take some pictures here and there as things move along. Right now though it's nothing but a box with edges dug out. heh. I thought it over and I'm going do things easy. As much as I would like to put some landscaping skills to use.. I really don't know how long I'll be living here. So, I really don't want to get carried away. ( translation.. I'll end up getting carried away.. just not yet. ) So, it's going to be roughly a box type pond, 7 to 8 feet by 10 feet. With the waterfall at one end facing the bay window of my house. The waterfall part is where things may get carried away.. But, for now it'll just be simple. As things go and I get more energy I'm sure my mind will once again start filling with ideas and how to's.. Thus reclaiming the title people like to give me.. Muse! Wheeeee!! Yeah.. Um.. Anyways.. I'll take a picture or two tomorrow to show what's going on out there.
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Everything has changed on here!
Okay, I am really feeling old now.. Just looking at this site "post… -
Thursday May 09, 2013
Holy shit.. I swore I updated since ONE year ago.. haha Life is the… -
Saturday May 05, 2012
Wait, what? oh yeah.. um sure.. okay whatever.. yep yep. -
Wednesday Jan 18, 2012
SWTOR has stolen my soul.. Chiss imperial sniper for the win! -
Sunday Dec 25, 2011
Merry Christmas =) -
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a little more social media friendly.. … -
Monday Jul 04, 2011
Happy 4th all you have the day off fucks. =/ -
Friday May 20, 2011
Well, looks like I'll have to set the damn alarm in the morning for w… -
Sunday Apr 10, 2011
The odd way of things. While I am one of those people who is awake in… -
Monday Mar 21, 2011
Primus is coming to town.. to go or not to go.. That is the question.…
Love to see the progress.