Okay, I am really feeling old now.. Just looking at this site "post major update" is a kick in the groin. But I figured it out! I think.. Now.. so long as they don't change things before I post again.. I won't feel like I am inept with technology. I still have no plans to suddenly become internet social. Though I do update here more...
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Holy shit.. I swore I updated since ONE year ago.. haha
Life is the same, nothing changes, grass grows gets mowed, dust collects buy more shit for dust to collect on. Friends come and go, and I get older.. It's all good.
Life is the same, nothing changes, grass grows gets mowed, dust collects buy more shit for dust to collect on. Friends come and go, and I get older.. It's all good.
Wait, what? oh yeah.. um sure.. okay whatever.. yep yep.
True, true.
Hello So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are still around. 

SWTOR has stolen my soul..
Chiss imperial sniper for the win!
Chiss imperial sniper for the win!
Merry Christmas =)
And to you as well!
I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a little more social media friendly.. But, I'd just be living a lie.
Not dead yet.
Yay! for nice weather! bout damn time.
The dog is huge and reminds me everyday why I should have gotten a cat instead.. But, I love the big brat anyway.
The occupy people rock. Though, they're going about it all wrong. Signs...
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Not dead yet.
Yay! for nice weather! bout damn time.
The dog is huge and reminds me everyday why I should have gotten a cat instead.. But, I love the big brat anyway.
The occupy people rock. Though, they're going about it all wrong. Signs...
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Happy 4th all you have the day off fucks. =/
We shall toast to those still workinh
Well, looks like I'll have to set the damn alarm in the morning for work.
Damn you rapture for not coming like those crazy people promised. Or maybe that god person just doesn't want the Asians?
Crazy people don't like to give out what time zone we'll all be judged during. Oh well, time to get out my "May 22 2011, What happened?" sign.
Damn you rapture for not coming like those crazy people promised. Or maybe that god person just doesn't want the Asians?
Crazy people don't like to give out what time zone we'll all be judged during. Oh well, time to get out my "May 22 2011, What happened?" sign.
Around here (Whackadoodle HQ is just down the road in Oakland), they made a specific claim that a huge quake would strike at 6PM. So we have to suffer through a few more hours of this nonsense.
It's not all bad, though. You gotta imagine at least somebody used the line "how do you want to spend your last night on Earth?"
It's not all bad, though. You gotta imagine at least somebody used the line "how do you want to spend your last night on Earth?"
The odd way of things. While I am one of those people who is awake in the early hours of the morning. I try my best to stay asleep.. Well, this morning I finally get the mind set to get up for the day. When I look up at the clock, it's 9:11, I got a chuckle out of that, since I was climbing out...
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Primus is coming to town.. to go or not to go.. That is the question. I'm not exactly mister motivation when it comes to doing things by myself.