Off to North Carolina soon to see an internet friend for the second time. Pretty crazy. She's one of the coolest people I have right now, and I can't wait.
I watched Irreversible. Wow. I don't know if I like it or not. I can name about one other person that I would even consider watching this film with. It's brutal, intense, and more than a little disturbing. I'm not getting rid of it, though. I think it's a challenging film that will take more than one viewing to appreciate. But damn...
Ninja Gaiden will be available in my area tomorrow. I can't wait. Any other Xbox fans waiting on this one?
I saw a more recent trailer for the film last week where a little girl tries to eat her parents. Also I hear there's a scenario where a pregnant women gets bitten and ends up giving birth to a zombie baby. Sweet... 

I grew up in Hillcrest in an old 9 bedroom victorian on 3rd and Robinson that has since been torn down and become dental offices.