"I wanna know where this is going
and do we still have a chance
to save what we haven't lost again
I made a promise to myself not to let this go
but now I need to see this through
to burn these paper walls of doubt"

I swear Strung Out is one of those bands that always seem to have a lyric that I...
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No longer a virgin...got my first tattoo yesterday. If I could figure out how to post a pic I would.
NICE...your no longer a tattoo virgin. Welcome to the club! biggrin
Seriously one of the best weekends in a really long time. And it's not quite over yet.
smile Glad your have a good time
did some one get laid????
Why must you cool but have such a big deal breaker.
Excuse me sir but what are you talking about? How did this become about luggage?
Not a whole lot going on, well that I feel is necessary to mention anyway.

Went out of a little hunt trip today. Total bust, saw nothing I was looking for. But it had an up side. Got out of town for a bit, cleared my head. It was nice. I was so busy with scouting and driving I didn't have time to focus on...
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I just dont know what to do with my current living arrangement. If you are unaware, my dad stays with me. He is on disability so his income is limited. He was gone for a few months, went back to San Diego. He has been back for a week and Im already getting frustrated. I mean I like having him around but I dont need...
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You'll have to try to juggle it around... but you can't get too frustaded because he'll sense it and it's even worse.
All the best smile
You're not being a dick, man. I'm in a similar boat with my mom. She's not on disability, but she's retired, lives on her own, and seems to be doing more and more injuries to herself these last couple of years. When she visits us it starts getting tense by the end of the second week. But we can't let her keep living by herself either. The solution that we think will work is a granny flat. We've been looking around for a place that either has enough space to build a small, self-contained apartment out in back (a bedroom, living area, bathroom, and kitchen) or something with an existing detached structure. We've seen a few but are still going through the search process. We're pretty sure those few feet of space will make all the difference and give us all the escapes we need when things get too much.

Is something like that an option for you both?
Its over between the two of us. Well there was never officially an "us" to begin with. Its been a crazy couple of months. She has been single for a few weeks now and has decided that she needs to focus on herself for now. I totally respect that but its not what I thought would happen. I told her that I still see us...
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It's hard to say what I should have done. It was such a roller coaster and everything happened so fast it was hard to tell what was going on.

Like i said I think I'm holding on to old memories of the ex. She was an awesome girlfriend. That's what I need to remember. I know everyone likes to blame Vegas for the lousy dating but I can't, well not yet anyway. I haven't met enough people here. So my dating has been rather limited. Gone out with 3 different people in the 4 years I've been here. Know any ladies? biggrin
all the vaginas i know are typical vegas whores... sowwy charlie...
Here's something I wrote about a month ago. I was going to post it on FB but decided that there was people on there that I didn't want to read this for various reasons.

Time for me to be honest. Most of have seen me drink socially, some even "lucky" enough to see me over do it a time or two. What most of you...
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Oh last night. It was supposed to be a fun night. Picked up my friend from work and brought her back to my place to cook her dinner and have some drinks. It was going to be a chill night. She and her boyfriend broke up a few days ago. Well dinner went well, then came jager and red bull. Started off great. Had our...
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Small update: Saw her last night and she thought she remembered everything until I started telling her things I remembered and apparently she didn't. We are still good.