I really should update this thing but I'm just too DAMN LAZY...besides my journal entries are usually pretty boring anyway. Maybe something HI-larious will happen to me later and I'll be able to pass along some funny-ass story but don't count on it.
Just spotted your name on the boards and wanted to say I really admire your work. How much can you bench? wink
How about you just makeup one? smile
I turned on the TV today and there was a long drawn out moment where I didn't understand anything that was being said and I had a wierd "Am I having a stroke?" moment. Then I realised that for some reason the TV had been left on a Korean station. blush
to be honest what's done is done, no point getting upset over it.

plus last year was so shitty this is not any worse than anything that happend last year.
Your having a stroke. kiss
So, today I stepped in dogshit and I did my taxes....I owe. How's your day going? frown
i dont know which is worse tongue
Definitely the taxes; it's not going to cost me $265 to clean off my shoes.
Why does Robeks exist when it is so inferior to Jamba Juice. I mean, I'm all for competition but to compete you need to make a quality product...or at least that's the theory. I'm going to go find some steel wool and scrub this taste out of my mouth. puke
Don't take the Funk of a nasty Dunk! wink

yeah bitch!
So we'd been having a problem in our office bathroom; someone had been peing on the floor. It got so bad that someone actually put up a sign that said "Please don't pee on the floor." Guess what happened. The peeing stopped; I'm not sure which is more disturbing, that someone was peeing on the floor or that they needed a sign to tell them...
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Raedar, I was just kidding, I don't really work at Wal-Mart
Oh...thank god! Don't scare me like that! The memories...the flashbacks. It's too much!
Also 34 and working at wal-mart...not so good life choices...But I'm glad you don't work at wal-mart.
Who the hell flicked the "summer" switch so early? Wasn't it cold and rainy a week ago. It's 10:00 a.m. and I'm danger of breaking a sweat. If it's going to be this hot I want to be sipping a vodka tonic and laying by the pool and I'm not gawdammit! mad
Why to pity the Cookie Monster:

Being a monster, he obviously had an abusive and neglectful childhood (Monsters aren't exactly known for their compasionate parenting).

The only time he peacefully shared with his mother was when they baked and ate cookies. So the only thing that can make him happy is consuming cookies. He can think of nothing else to make him happy.

Unfortunately, years of mass cookie consumption lead to an acute case of diabetes, so he can't even eat cookies anymore, he just chews 'em up and spits 'em out.

And when he's not eating cookies, what is he doing? He walks around looking for "cookie, cookie, cookie."

But he's not looking for a meal, he's looking for his happiness.

Pity the cookie monster.
I strained some tendons or ligaments (I never know which is which) in my hand (stupid punching bag) or it's possible I'm just getting arthritic and old. mad
Glad to see you back, how are you doing?
Good, good. Just moved in with my girl so I'm getting used to that, but other than a longer commute from the gym in the a.m. I really can't complain...yet anyway. So you're still liking the new shop? Are you getting more days?