hm... today..I..sunbanbathed. for like..26 minutes, and then got too hot and too bored. I was wriggling around self conciously in my back garden whilst my kid sister erected the biggest fucking tent I have EVER seen. Seriously. it had like..and entrance hall and 2 bedrooms. its an excessive amount of tent. its the kinda tent you couldnt take to festivals cuz it'd take up half the campsite..
also..i did some recycling
with my mummy. i didnt recycle her, we just chucked out some old stuff cuz we're moving house soon..but it was my good deed for the day.
also...i made a dress
honestly, i did
all by myself
hehehe...i did it without a pattern too but it turned out so cute..nice little summer halterneck in a vintage fabric my mum had lying around..its white cotton with blue poppies and the occasional red one. hard to describe but it looks very a fifties day dress.
its so crazy hot here right now, it makes you wanna walk around nudie
its 37C which is like...hotter than southern Spain during August (thats all I can compare it to, cuz that's where I used to go on holidays)
geeeez i sure have got boring in my misery
Muddling through....its all I got right now

also..i did some recycling

also...i made a dress

its so crazy hot here right now, it makes you wanna walk around nudie

geeeez i sure have got boring in my misery

Muddling through....its all I got right now

Have you ever gone to a store that you think something would be at but when you get there it's not there? So you think of another store that you know it would be there and when you get there it's not there either. Then you start a mission of going to every store in the area looking for one stupid thing. Sometimes you find it and sometimes you don't.