It's monday....I didn't have too much of an eventful weekend seeings how tired I was, but here is the recap. Fri watched Crash on cable with a lovely lady at my place. Took my cat to the vet Sat morning and he has a tumor. He goes in for surgery Wed, and I'm feeling pretty good that all will be ok, since it was caught early. Sat watched the Laker game at a friend of friend's place and got Hooters take out grub. Hooters just opened on Hollywood Blvd across from Mann's Chinese. It is fabulous. During the game though there was a 3 hour wait to get in (unless you called in take-out like we did). Had some charlies angel action outside the apt. while I was smoking with such an Angel. I got way tanked and neglected my nipple piercing washing that night. Sun, just made it out of bed (a few minutes late) to my hair appointment at 2pm. I was loving myself for not scheduling it earlier like I ususally do. I got my hair relaxed (straightened) and the dark part is great.....the red (bleached) part is damaged like dog hair. I knew this would happen, but fuck it, the red is underneath so if it falls out, whatever. I tend to fight my curls, so sunday, with chemicals, I won. Hung out, got disappointed when a zippy jacket with girlies all over it, was big man sizes only, (no purchase). Had great sushi and watched sopranos. I spent the night elsewhere and did the old rip the bra off through the arm hole. Snagged my pierced nipple and neglected to clean it again. (This is bad since I've been babying it and caring for it properly). But it is doing well and has been cleaned since both neglectful nights. And at the Lakers game party, the dude had a bobble Lucky Charms Head. Which gave me great pleasure.

i live real close to the hooters on hollywood. while i do bemoan the mall-ification of my hood, i couldn't help but be a little wowed when i saw the line of honeys that were waiting to be interviewed for waitress positions outside the joint just prior to its opening.
my reaction to 2 tickets on my windshield in the morning is not usually an insouciant smile. the reason for my uncharacteristic indifference: i'll give you one guess.