This is a project I have had in mind for some time.
Repeated information in the spoiler:
Before I say anything I want to thank some of you for the continued support throughout this project. It really means a lot.
Today I received a phone call from Frankie and Kit. It was so amazing to talk to them. I am feeling especially lonely lately and to hear from them just brightened my week immensely. Being so far away from my friends I am getting more comfortable talking to them on the phone. Now I just need to find the courage to be able to pick up the phone and call them. One day I hope I can be a good friend. I keep trying and I keep failing. For instance, I got very good at replying to my emails for a while and even some of my friends remarked on that. Then I had my accident and I have found it so difficult to remember so many things and if I don't do it right away it slips my mind, and emails is one of those things. Hopefully I'll get there though.
Yesterday I went for a nice afternoon walk down, round and back up Main Street. There is so much character on that one road it is impossible to describe it all. I am not even sure it's possible to capture the charisma of the place on film. I can keep trying but somehow there's something lacking in the experience of standing outside of the culture and recording it. I think I need to find a new way to photograph that kind of thing.
One amusing event was as the beginning of my walk there were two rather hip human beings walking close behind me. They were talking of where to get the best haircut, among other things. They over took me and I noted that they both (one male, one female) had almost the same short pixie cut hair. Dyed black, of course.
As I was walking I kept seeing them in various clothing and record stores. I even observed them trying clothes on and showing each other. It was almost as if I were taking the same route as them, but vaguely living outside of their own existence and watching the events unfold as some kind of other force might naturally watch the passage of time.
As I was heading home some hours later (at which point the sun was hitting the horizon and the mountains took on a strange glow), I saw the pair laden with many bags heading on their way home too. Or perhaps they were heading to dinner, I couldn't really say.
P.S. Yes, the boob comments are boring but my brain doesn't even really register them anymore, haha.