My first day in Van and this little fella greeted me.
I'm alive! I'm kicking! I'm relieved and happy. Some things I have been up to:
^ I saw Douglas Coupland in my favourite ever Camera/Photography store. I'm such a fangirl it's embarrassing.
^ Yesterday was one of the largest critical masses in Vancouver due to the end of "bike month". Over 1800 cyclists and skaters etc. were counted at one point. I got my new bike just in time and dressed her up for the occasion! I'm in love.
Can you spot me?
me going uphill. if you look closely you can see my stealthy stealthy film camera.
me going downhill! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Gosh, I had so much fun on that three hour ride last night and despite my general terrible fitness and the billions of hills I made it all the way! I feel so good today. All these photos of CM were taken by Matthew, mine were in film and are currently at the lab.
^Yesterday morning this arrived in the mail:
It's a present as a welcome to the country and for all you camera nerds out there it's a Canonet which is a rangefinder! I'm having so much fun with it.
^I have also been eating TONS of this:
I am just about to go out for MORE with redmess, malloreigh, lyxzen, aceT and silencia and some other people.
So, this is short but sweet. Sorry I haven't got back to all the lovely well wishes you guys have been sending, I'm still settling in but I promise to be less rude in the future.
P.S I miss AnnaLee *sniff* I didn't think I'd ever have a friend I'd be so close to that I feel lost without them. But I was surprised.
P.P.S Check out these beautiful ladies I took photos of:
(click on the pictures to be taken to the sets)
I'm moving back to Nanaimo soon.. i'll be happy to show you around if you like