here's my cat
she is just so gorgeous!!
gave her a bath yesterday. she dislikes. put her flea medicine on. she really dislikes. then she wallowed the rest of the day ignoring me.
if you have a weak stomach, dont read the spoiler but its not too bad!
im sure this blog is riddled with spelling errors. sorry im at work!
sorry i have been so absent!!!
this chica has been sooooo busy!!!!!
i photographed my cousins wedding last weekend, which was super stressful, but i got some really good pictures! I was originally going to be their wedding photographer, and then they changed the dates on me to a wedding i had... Read More
Who knows, it may just be the pick me up she needs!
But if not, I'm sure we'll cross paths eventually. I try to go to all the Columbus events I can! I'd like to meet you too. If nothing else, we always can talk about true blood. I can't believe the season's half over already.
Then again I see you like I smell a KARAOKE buddy?? Beware I've been known to drag folks.
I go to Deanos sometimes on 161 when I visit.....I lived on the NE side of town when I lived up there so that's the area I know best. Now I KNOW we are going to have to eventually hook up for sure. At least for karaoke if nothing else!!
Thank you Of course now I've moved on to another color and miss my pink....and it's almost time to go to yet a new color. I am thinking dark pink/magenta with yellow chunks....ah to be a fickle girl
and dont forget:
remember how I told you last week that I would be in a photography contest that you could go vote on? Well its here!! I would really appreciate your support. You just need a valid email address. Please only submit one vote, because multiple votes only delay the voting process, and do not count. GO VOTE... Read More
Two weeks ago I didn't even know what Sciatica is, and now I gots it. I did manage to sit long enough to vote for your picture, so now you are in my debt and I'll never let you forget it. (I wonder if I'm milking this a bit too much. Nah!)
Ps, what was your favorite TRUE BLOOD moment last night???
one of mine was when Sookie was telling Jason she kept expecting Bill to walk through the doors and say "sookie" and she mimicked him. SHE WAS SPOT ON!!!!! (must watch!!!)
Also, there was Jason asking if Bigfoot and Santa Claus were real when he found out werewolves were. That was pretty comical.
remember how I told you last week that I would be in a photography contest that you could go vote on? Well its here!! I would really appreciate your support. You just need a valid email address. Please only submit one vote, because multiple votes only delay the voting process, and do not count.
I've been wondering how you are myself. I'm well except for hurting my back last Sat. by helping someone move some stuff. It seems that sciatica can be painful beyond belief, so I don't recommend trying it, even if you're really bored. Morphine doesn't help much either, and I have no idea how anyone can become addicted to that stuff because it's a whole lot of nothing. Onward and upward!
I was suddenly able to sit for 2 hours this evening without any pain, which was almost surreal after nearly a week of craziness, so perhaps it's finally turning around. I can only hope that falling down the stairs was a lot less painful than this mess. Never lift and twist, says the wizard!
Did you know that Nikon 801s and F90s were $20 in working condition here? There are only a handful of collectible cameras that have demand exceeding supply, all the rest being yard sale stuff. That said, I could not resist a Kodak Baby Brownie a few years ago, so I ponied up 50 cents in a moment of enthusiasm. It's great fun telling proper photographers in complete seriousness that I have it, just to watch the confusion on their faces. I think the point is that if something truly delights you, it's worth acquiring, even without any chance of it being any kind of investment.
Hey SG land,
Sorry I have been so bad about posting lately!!!
whats been going on in my life:
(really not too much, and really nothing exciting)
-Last week my sister and I met my parents at the halfway point between their home in Iowa and our place in Ohio (which ironically is close to the border of iowa and illinois, but iowa is so... Read More
Tonight, I am going to go see SEX and the CITY 2 with my wonder love, Phecda, and in a really cool twist, A GUY, EaglesVultures, is coming as well!! I asked josh to come, and so did EaglesVultures, but he said "there is no way in hell that is happening." Its funny because my man will cry like a baby in... Read More