@raindogdude after years of thriving in the bustling kitchen environment it has been an adjustment. My appreciation comes in short bursts twice a day. It is hard to ration plus it is finals week so the house is a little tense right now.
@littlejohn22 not quite. I have a Japanese mandolin that I was cutting potato chips on. I usually zip right through them until the last few passes then slow down so I don't cut myself. This time I slowed down and slowly peeled the skin off my knuckle. Ha-ha.
I took the pointer middle and index tips off on a meat slicer once because i was being to fast and not wearing a cut glove. Then not even 5 months before that i cut the tip of my thumb off prepping the line then the next day cut the same fucking tip of thumb off doing the same fucking thing.......I've never cut myself sense.