2013 the year of accountability... At least that is what it has been dubbed by the owner of my work place in several conversations we have had over the past few weeks. While work is supposedly slowing down it has not meant much to me here lately. We killed lunch because we never did any business so now we are just open for hotel breakfast and dinner to the public. So far that has translated to a bunch of small poorly planned lunch parties that are a pain in my ass. It should all settle down in the next couple weeks but it will be a long couple of weeks. The accountability part comes from the fact that everyone has noticed that the exec and the new sous seem to be having a competition to see who can do the least work and bitch the most. Neither one of them has the respect of the kitchen because they don't do anything and they are constantly up everyone's ass about what they are doing. So they get a lot of responses like "working mother fucker, what are you doing?" They may both be on the verge of getting canned. My job is safe and I have made it clear that I have no interest in the exec spot no matter what they pay because I can't work anymore than I do and be a dad or husband for that matter. A lot of guys is my line of work end up divorced alcoholics because they can't say no. I will just stay in the back doing my banquets and chilling like Ferdinand.
My New Years was rung in well. TreeThingBlue and his new old lady and daughter came over and the wife's lil brother was in town (with his fucking cats) so we had company. We even let the girls stay up for the first time. They had their own little party in their room watching movies and playing wii and what not. Thay had a blast as did the adults and I think we all slept til 11:00 the next day. The only bummer was my buddy and his brother and his bro's girlfriend didn't come over because my buddy lost his shit again and is locked in the attic again. It happened last year about this time too so I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. I had just talked to him the week before and he was cool. Ah the brain we have no fucking idea why it does what it does. Peace SG
My New Years was rung in well. TreeThingBlue and his new old lady and daughter came over and the wife's lil brother was in town (with his fucking cats) so we had company. We even let the girls stay up for the first time. They had their own little party in their room watching movies and playing wii and what not. Thay had a blast as did the adults and I think we all slept til 11:00 the next day. The only bummer was my buddy and his brother and his bro's girlfriend didn't come over because my buddy lost his shit again and is locked in the attic again. It happened last year about this time too so I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. I had just talked to him the week before and he was cool. Ah the brain we have no fucking idea why it does what it does. Peace SG

I am still in Indiana. Having trouble getting over my latest ex. I ended it, too. Sort of feel like I stabbed myself in the heart out of pride.
He'll back back here in September though, so something may hapen.
you locked him in the attic?!? what??