I got off early for the Ziz's birthday. My youngest child is six. God I am old as hell. Any way I did get out and get her a card because she was very insistent that I should make time to do that. It is super sparkly and cute and it comes with stickers, score one for the dad. Tonight we are going to the chinese buffet per her request and then sunday she is having a party with her friends at the zoo. The zoo is cheap to do and the babysitters mom runs the gift shop so she makes their treat bags awesome. She is getting a national geographic book on animals because of the zoo thing and some barbie thing that comes with a swing set and two lil midget ass barbies which I assume are her kids. One of them is black but the other one is white so I don't know how that works out because Ken is white but he is also a eunuch and while the girls have a black barbie I have never seen a black Ken. Maybe they are some kind of triad family and they are both Ken's baby mamas but that would still beg the question, How?. Perhaps I have over analyzed it.
At work the new rage is for all the long haired ladies to put their hair up in a "sock bun" which is a bun that you wrap around a sock to make it look more full. They keep threatening to do it to me but I am resisting. All the other long haired guys at work have cut their hair in the past couple weeks. Blah to that, I can't deal with short hair. I am always miserable til it grows back out.
It is finally cold. I dig the colder weather. Fall is my favorite time to be outside. I've got shit to do so Peace Out SG.
At work the new rage is for all the long haired ladies to put their hair up in a "sock bun" which is a bun that you wrap around a sock to make it look more full. They keep threatening to do it to me but I am resisting. All the other long haired guys at work have cut their hair in the past couple weeks. Blah to that, I can't deal with short hair. I am always miserable til it grows back out.
It is finally cold. I dig the colder weather. Fall is my favorite time to be outside. I've got shit to do so Peace Out SG.

Hey, wait til your youngest child is twenty-six. Then you'll be old.
It has been a crazy week. I spent yesterday at the hospital with my dad's dad. I thought I was going to to see him before he died. When I got there he was doing better than the day before I will probably live to leave the hospital. That is good but he probably won't to go back to his house which means my grandma will end up in an alsheimers ward somewhere. It will be a sad decline.
On a happy note I got to go see the Ziz sing songs at her friendship feast today. It was cute. They sang a song called "thanks a lot". It was not the Earnest Tubb song which was a bit disappointing but this one was more appropriate for the occasion. I sang it to her the other day and the wife said when she tried to practice her song she kept trying to sing it like mine. Ooops. She got it right today.
The inlaws show up in a couple hours so I should get on my house cleaning. Have fun SG.