The interview went well. I have a second interview on monday. Typical interview crap, pretty much word for word the same spiel every chef/owner gives you, "this place is a culinary wasteland" " I have to go to Chicago to eat" "I demand excellence" blah blah blah. The exec is ten years younger than me seems like a nice enough guy but he talked around in circles concerned that I bounced around when I was starting out but at the same time appreciating that I bounced around. First question of the interview with the owner was did I know and get along with this guy I worked with when I first got to town. He was/is an asshole. It is no secret that I did not. So I diplomatically said no but because we were fighting for the same job which was true. Lots of big egos at this place but that is also every kitchen in the world.
Better than that though I also found out today that one of my dream jobs is about to come available. It wouldn't be in town but it would be closer than my current job. Test kitchen chef at a place where I know a bunch of people and they appreciate what I know. I have to find out more about it and their time frame before I make a decision if they offer me today's job. What I interviewed for today is more work for the same pay and worse hours. That is not really what I need. The test kitchen job would be the perfect job regular weekday hours and very few late nights. More time for the girls and free nights to gig with the band. Basically the unicorn of cooking jobs.
Evidently migraine season has started for the wife. Hopefully this one is short. She only has two class sessions left until she is done school so she just has to get through that. My sticking to drinking one coke a day is going pretty well as is my not puffing though that is only four days along. The job I want I am sure is a piss test job so I may have to hurry my cleanse along a bit. As a rule I try not to work for places that drug test mostly because it is hard to staff a kitchen like that. You end up with a bunch of born again christians and people just out of rehab or jail (sometimes both at the same time). This job I wouldn't have a staff so what the hell.
Well I am off to purve. Have fun SG.
Better than that though I also found out today that one of my dream jobs is about to come available. It wouldn't be in town but it would be closer than my current job. Test kitchen chef at a place where I know a bunch of people and they appreciate what I know. I have to find out more about it and their time frame before I make a decision if they offer me today's job. What I interviewed for today is more work for the same pay and worse hours. That is not really what I need. The test kitchen job would be the perfect job regular weekday hours and very few late nights. More time for the girls and free nights to gig with the band. Basically the unicorn of cooking jobs.
Evidently migraine season has started for the wife. Hopefully this one is short. She only has two class sessions left until she is done school so she just has to get through that. My sticking to drinking one coke a day is going pretty well as is my not puffing though that is only four days along. The job I want I am sure is a piss test job so I may have to hurry my cleanse along a bit. As a rule I try not to work for places that drug test mostly because it is hard to staff a kitchen like that. You end up with a bunch of born again christians and people just out of rehab or jail (sometimes both at the same time). This job I wouldn't have a staff so what the hell.
Well I am off to purve. Have fun SG.

And Baron Munchausen is, I think, Gilliam's finest work. It is utterly pretenseless. He's not trying to please anyone but himself. Every scene is perfect.