I should write this blog before the Bears play so I am still in a good mood. So still no ring so I am on the look out for a new one now. The girls have been gone all weekend so I managed to get the house clean and laundry started. I am making my fist chili of the season. The Ziz has been asking for chili for two weeks so she will be stoked when she comes home and smells it cooking.
Last night I chilled with TreeThingBlue and his girlfriend. We watched the GrindHouse shorts with the SG girls in them. They were entertaining. We also watched the Troma film TTB got that was supposed to have zombie chickens in it. It had a lot of singing and I went home before it was over because I am old and lame. I did leave my house though which is a small victory for me. Well I am off to more football and cleaning be well SG.
Last night I chilled with TreeThingBlue and his girlfriend. We watched the GrindHouse shorts with the SG girls in them. They were entertaining. We also watched the Troma film TTB got that was supposed to have zombie chickens in it. It had a lot of singing and I went home before it was over because I am old and lame. I did leave my house though which is a small victory for me. Well I am off to more football and cleaning be well SG.
Thanks for the pork, by the way...I even shared a little with the chick.