Just back from the doctor's office and having my first cup of badly needed coffee. The news is in and I was told sorry there is nothing we can do about this you have arthritis in both knees. Yep other then exercise to strength my legs I will have to live with the pain and with luck I will be able to keep going at...
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well over a month now and I am finding the time every other day (well four out of seven days a week), I am still not very flexible and the chance has been huge :)
Well I am still doing yoga (but not every other day but still on average 3-4 times a week). I have come a long way but still have a long way to go. I can lift both my legs/ knees up & down mostly pain free, some days can even do child's pose with out my knees killing me, funny how one of the easiest poses is so hard to do with arthritis, the simple things you take for granted. The tumor in my leg is gone again for now but some days it makes working/walking hell but for now it is all manageable and my rescue cat stopped hating me a long time ago and now acts more like a dog when I get home then a cat (she can get so needy lol).  

the rain is coming soon , I can tell has my everything hurts so today was laundry & groceries as it is my only day off this week then a little weed and lot of beer, now it only hurts a bit LOL. They are calling for rain all day tomorrow so biking in should be fun but beer and smoke will be waiting for...
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What I would not give to have a couple of pain free days. With the spring rain starting finally (we had snow last week) I am moving slow and feeling it these days. Must be years now since I have had a pain free day but lately it is a bit much, come on sun dry this shit up so I get get back to...
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LOL I never thought that the weight of a couple of blankets could hurt until last night LOL fuck me but now coffee and off to work

I have reached the age were friends and family are dying off, it sucks ass but what sucks worst is my friends that are younger then me who have passed. I always thought I would be dead by now but I guess slowing down when I had kids added years to my life LOL but I do miss my old ways sometimes

A couple of my good friends and I had a conversation very similar to this a couple of days ago.

On Monday 9 hrs into my shift everything changed, I had a mini-stroke and spent the next 5 hrs in the emergency unit, tons of test booked or done since then and my arms are now pin cushions. I feel like shit but still worked the rest of my week (all be it a about 8 hrs less then normal so I could go get...
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Well fives months later and my health is good but after hanging out with my ex gf I find we still have a connection but my tolerance for BS is now very low

Why do I let you rip my heart out (crushed again and I saw it coming but it still hurts)

OK new day & time to hit re-set , now moving on
well I can now safely say I have moved on and can keep her as a friend