I feel kinda guilty doing a new post so soon now, since the Bookmarks...
you get the idea. I'm actually here specifically to replace the complaining Journal. I still feel those things, but at least feel the responsibility of maturity to "put it behind me and move on" (a great all-purpose phrase I learned from every athlete who's ever been arrested and asked for a quote by the media).
I actually had a couple great things happen to me yesterday. I got to see pygmy on a lil trip to the farmer's market, and I went to the Rose City Rollerderby. With the latter event, I was all bummy at first, cuz I was alone there. Now, I've been goin to things alone for some time now- it's just that I've become all tense from the job-searching/ pondering/ researching thing... but I eventually settled into it, and had quite a lot of funn. They really put a lot of work into keeping "shit to grab your attention" going on.
My job-search isn't actually that urgent right now. I'm just recently realizing it's kinda like a phobia to me. I see a bunch of things I'm not qualified for, then start feeling I'm not qualified for anything. As far as phobias go, I'd rather get fear from... I dunno... lil snakes than the perfectly harmless scanning of want ads and resume books. Maybe I should seek out snake-handling jobs.
ps- Does anyone local have a digital cam that can take pics for me? (I'd drive you, people without cars.) I have to get pics of a couch so I can sell it on craigslist. It didn't fit in my apartment door, it's in the hall, and I've been served notice to move it. I'm actually not sure if it'll still be there tomorrow, because my building manager didn't get back to me after putting a notice on it Thursday (I left messages Thurs and Fri).
In a related story- if you want a big, comfy, old couch for $75.....
you get the idea. I'm actually here specifically to replace the complaining Journal. I still feel those things, but at least feel the responsibility of maturity to "put it behind me and move on" (a great all-purpose phrase I learned from every athlete who's ever been arrested and asked for a quote by the media).
I actually had a couple great things happen to me yesterday. I got to see pygmy on a lil trip to the farmer's market, and I went to the Rose City Rollerderby. With the latter event, I was all bummy at first, cuz I was alone there. Now, I've been goin to things alone for some time now- it's just that I've become all tense from the job-searching/ pondering/ researching thing... but I eventually settled into it, and had quite a lot of funn. They really put a lot of work into keeping "shit to grab your attention" going on.
My job-search isn't actually that urgent right now. I'm just recently realizing it's kinda like a phobia to me. I see a bunch of things I'm not qualified for, then start feeling I'm not qualified for anything. As far as phobias go, I'd rather get fear from... I dunno... lil snakes than the perfectly harmless scanning of want ads and resume books. Maybe I should seek out snake-handling jobs.
ps- Does anyone local have a digital cam that can take pics for me? (I'd drive you, people without cars.) I have to get pics of a couch so I can sell it on craigslist. It didn't fit in my apartment door, it's in the hall, and I've been served notice to move it. I'm actually not sure if it'll still be there tomorrow, because my building manager didn't get back to me after putting a notice on it Thursday (I left messages Thurs and Fri).
In a related story- if you want a big, comfy, old couch for $75.....
I'm just recently realizing it's kinda like a phobia to me. I see a bunch of things I'm not qualified for, then start feeling I'm not qualified for anything.
That's exactly what it is for me, too. I just haven't been able to put that feeling into words that succinctly.