Today an acquaintance whom I haven't seen in a few months asked me how my summer was. I said, it was okay. What did I do during it? Not a lot, just sort of chilled. Did I go anywhere? No, not really. Oh. Right.

But that's kind of exactly the way I wanted summer to be. From September until May things are so crazy that...
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yea it was so dam hot here this summer I didn't get out much. I feel like summer slipped through my fingers this year. frown
Happy academic new year!

It's officially the first day of school (at least in my neck of the woods). The new students look so young. It is because they are getting younger as the years go on. That is why.

I am running tutorials this year. In Mississauga. Blech. Or: puke. Thank you, barfing emoticon.

Don't get me wrong: I like running tutorials. Just...
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Mississauga is sucky.

Where I used to live In Guelph it's the south end. It's this crappy cookie cutter community that's sprawling further and futher. It totally detracts from a really charming and eccletic downtown.

Where I live now is too isolated for suburbs and sprawl. It's kinda nice.
A lot of weekenders in the DC area drive up to the city from Virginia. They seem to be a lot of popped-collar abercrombie-wearing backwoods hipsters. When we see them in the streets on the weekends we assume they are Virginians so we fittingly call them "Cousin Fuckers".
It's 3 a.m., not what time this site says this post has been made. I think I accidentally set something to to some different time zone, I don't know. I think if you add about 3 hours to the time it says on my postings, then you'll get the actual time of my posting.

This is a drunk posting, which I've yet to do here...
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Hello. smile
I had really thought there for a moment that there was a good chance that I would never go to Alberta again, or, at least, not for a very long time.

A month ago, something compelled me to submit a paper to a conference that's taking place in Calgary at the end of October. It's an okay conference, not as prestigious as some but better...
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Why is e-mailing professors so difficult? I swear it takes an hour to compose even a brief letter that I feel won't make me sound like an idiot. I guess I need to be less bok.

I have been so sick. Like, worse than this: puke. I'm talking this: skull. I spent five days on my couch, and I couldn't do any real work for...
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You hit a nearly perfect set! shocked
Edmonton trip: check.
Best man speech and stag party: check.
Ridiculous drunken wedding shenanigans: check.
Last term paper *ever* submitted: check.
Conference paper sent in: check.
First ever real journal article submission sent in (it's just a review, but whatever, I'm still pretty pleased about it): check.

Any research assistant work done in the past month: not check.
Area exam committee put together: not check....
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At least you've got more completed than you have incomplete. biggrin
congrats on the last term paper ever. thats awesome.

and hooray for ridiculous drunken wedding shenanigans!!
I am the best man at my friend's wedding.

Apparently being the best man also means that I am (at least partially) responsible for making bachelor party arrangements.

I have never done this before and am a little bit lost.

This is where the "you" to whom this post is dedicated comes in.

Any suggestions on interesting/unique and fun things to do for a bachelor...
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I've never been "in" someone's wedding before
Ooooh, paintball might be an idea smile A friend of mine planned a weekend camping trip along with Geocaching. I've also heard of a groom having to carry around a blow up sheep and get it signed by pretty girls. Good luck!
I like music. Here is some of the music that I've been liking recently:

Yes yes yes.

Also: apparently I am going to being going to the Sleigh Bells/Die Antwoord concert in July? That is going to be the craziest thing there ever was. Ever.

Also: Montreal was delightful. So civilized, what with the acceptable public drinking and pedestrian streets. Montreal: je t'aime (mais seulement...
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I'm goign to the Die Antwoord concert too.
Tomorrow: Montreal for a few days. I haven't been to Montreal since I was 18; jesus, that's almost a decade ago. Right. It's conference time once again, which will make five in three months, although this time I'm going mostly to hang out with friends.

Then a couple weeks later it's off Edmonton for possibly the last time in my life. I am not looking...
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Hey! Thanks for requesting melove
How are you?

Have fun in Montreal and good luck in Edmonton!