Most days, I don't think about her. Whether it's in a healthy way or not, it just happens to be that she doesn't enter my mind all that often. But it's these nights, these nights when the streets are empty and I'm by myself, and I realize that the only person I've to share my thoughts with is myself, well, let's just say today was not like most days.
More Blogs
Sunday Sep 19, 2010
Today an acquaintance whom I haven't seen in a few months asked me ho… -
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
O_O Cannot focus today. -
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
Happy academic new year! It's officially the first day of school (… -
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
It's 3 a.m., not what time this site says this post has been made. I… -
Saturday Aug 28, 2010
I had really thought there for a moment that there was a good chance … -
Thursday Aug 12, 2010
Why is e-mailing professors so difficult? I swear it takes an hour t… -
Tuesday Jun 29, 2010
Edmonton trip: check. Best man speech and stag party: check. Ridicu… -
Thursday Jun 10, 2010
I am the best man at my friend's wedding. Apparently being the bes… -
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
I like music. Here is some of the music that I've been liking recent… -
Friday May 28, 2010
Tomorrow: Montreal for a few days. I haven't been to Montreal since …