So I'm very Nordic. My bloodline dates back too two generations of viking earls. With that many of my tattoos are Nordic pieces. Much derived from warriors ruins. This is a new piece that follows along with Nordic appeal. The crow which signifies a great deal to the Vikings, and there warrior tribal mocked from many shield and weapons that are now historical amusements. I finish it in a week by getting the shading done. Goes from waist line to neck and all in between. ☺

So i got this a little before deployment. Its my heartbreak jack. A modern take on an BA character. Once home in a few months, it continues into my inner arm with the cemetery and a BA sally. Because every jack needs his sally. :D

Just me and some of the guys handling Afghanistan like we do, having fun, and doing it all tattooed up.

hehehe you killed me with your moves, i know it was suppost to be funny, but what the hell, i found you freaking sexy, oop, i saied it :-)
Haha Your definitely allowed to say it. Thank you gorgeous! ;D @thanatoz