i will begin deleting my info from my profile here shortly with all the proposed changes and discussions of changes.
change is inevitable, but not always for the best. there is a phrase i was raised with and had re-enforced upon me while i was in the military. if it aint broken, dont fuck with it.
anyone interested in maintaining contact with me or reading... Read More
i see the feed is running better today, i can see some people have posted new blogs. i really really dont want to go to work today...heres some songs for saturday...
and now for something completely different
just cause its the only place i've found my favorite parable
less then a month left before my dental plan from work kicks in, soo not looking forward... Read More
Critical examination of the rational grounds of our most fundamental beliefs and logical analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophy may also be defined as reflection on the varieties of human experience, or as the rational, methodical, and systematic consideration of the topics that are of greatest concern to humanity. Philosophical inquiry is a... Read More
Yeah I'd be with you, but our family is white white. Like we have no trace of anything else apparently. So we have, historically, nothing to fear in the face of internment camps and such. Basically, he just thinks there will be a communist like over turn within our government that will force him to give up his property and make him redistrict himself and his family to another area. Or something. Honestly I really don't see what he is fearing.
As we approach July 4th, the pinnacle of American holidays. A day that commemorates and celebrates a group of people that with one voice rebelled against a tyrannical government. Think of where we were, were we are, and where we will be. Speaking of history, another significant event also happened this month depending on whether or not you believe in conspiracies.
The big thing right now is levels of radiation on Mars, we currently have no material to block it with. Once the enginerds work that out we'll be in business........if the space agencies can get more funding. Which is unlikely unfortunately.
Yeah...there is the whole zero gravity health things to deal with as well. I think a moon colony would just be cost prohibitive, NASA keeps getting funding cuts because the people in gov't are idiots. Privatized companies could easily get involved but they need some sort of payoff for their trouble, the research is neat and all but that doesn't return on their investments unfortunately. :\ I think the big thing in the near future as far as space goes will be mining asteroids because they have the potential for huge returns for the companies that undertake it.