So the view out my window from my bedroom looks out on a row of tall shrubby trees. I was sitting there smoking and I noticed that some of the branches of the trees were moving in a very unnatural way. They literally looked like they were waving at me in opposite directions. At first I thought it was some sort of animal scurrying around...
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So yesterday I took my nephew to his Wing Chun class, a type of Kung Fu, at Leung Martial Arts in downtown Eugene. The head instructor David Leung is a second generation student of the great Ip Man, one of the greatest Kung Fu legends of all time and teacher to the martial artist and actor Bruce Lee. Like his teacher and fellow student David...
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Hello SG land. I've been on the site for awhile now but am still trying to figure some stuff out. I'm having trouble inserting pictures directly into blog posts and was wondering if there was a specific way to do it. So far I can only post a pic individually and then comment on it. Thanks for any help :)
"Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end." -Robert Nesta Marley
So the other day I made my first trip ever down to the Adult Shop. I was a little nervous not exactly sure what to expect, and I had my fingers crossed that the clerk wasn't some pervy creepy dude sense I wanted to ask some detailed questions about my purchase. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked in and was greeted by a geeky...
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"Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living." -Albert Einstein
Only in Eugene Oregon will you find the plaza in front of the courthouse on a Saturday occupied by a giant drum circle and a bunch of people selling bubblers and pipes right around the corner from the sheriff's office. I love this city :)
Saw a trio of bicycle cops cruising down Willamette in downtown Eugene yesterday. I couldn't help but giggle, bicycle cops crack me up, they just look so adorable in there little black riding helmets. I really hope I never get in trouble by a bicycle cop, because there is no way I would be able to take them seriously. Pretty sure I would be laughing...
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Me moshing the night away :)
Hit up the Mindless Self Indulgence concert at the Roseland Theater PDX, sick performance. They were super entertaining and I moshed the night away. I don't have too much experience with mosh pits, but absolutely love them. It is an adrenaline fueled experience and I find it interesting how one moment all these strangers are doing everything they can to push and crash into each...
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Wandered around the Eugene OR Saturday market yesterday afternoon. I'm so glad spring is back and it is in full swing again, few places in the world will you see such a unique gathering of people. The food was absolutely amazing, I got a shish cabob from the Afghani food place and listened to a band of high school kids rocking out on the stage...
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