I had a dream last night that I gave birth. It was odd because I don't quite remember being pregnant during the dream at all and also because I was very bitter that I did not get any time to bond with the baby after birth. Who knows why that happened? I maybe watched one SVU with a fetus in it, but that baby died before birth so it doesn't really make much of any sense at all.
Last night, I finished an entire final project. I'm pretty proud of myself, as you can guess I might be. Our final project for Museum Interpretation and Communication is to either a) make a brochure, b) create a pachyderm about a subject (pachyderm is this really kind of stupid flash template that is too limiting for me to enjoy), or c) design a website. So design a website I did. I basically just took the layout of my new blog overhaul that I've been working on, converted it from the php wordpress template that it is to an html document, changed the colors, changed the masthead, and added content and 8 other pages to fulfill the assignment.
Even though it wasn't exactly the project that was weighing on my mind... I'm glad to have it done. Here's to the rest of the week being equally productive!
Last night, I finished an entire final project. I'm pretty proud of myself, as you can guess I might be. Our final project for Museum Interpretation and Communication is to either a) make a brochure, b) create a pachyderm about a subject (pachyderm is this really kind of stupid flash template that is too limiting for me to enjoy), or c) design a website. So design a website I did. I basically just took the layout of my new blog overhaul that I've been working on, converted it from the php wordpress template that it is to an html document, changed the colors, changed the masthead, and added content and 8 other pages to fulfill the assignment.
Even though it wasn't exactly the project that was weighing on my mind... I'm glad to have it done. Here's to the rest of the week being equally productive!