Mom accused me of whoring around today. I'm really upset about it. Seriously. it's like I get so upset when I hear I'm a whore from other people and I know it's not true about me but what am i supposed to do when it's from my own mother. I just think it's cruel of her. Dammit. Why would you call yr daughter that? Seriously. Madeline says that I "do this" because I'm desperately looking for the unconditional love my mother should have given me. She could be right. But I'm not sure. I just don't want to talk to people today.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 23, 2007
I'm reading Ecstasia by Francesca Lia Block right now. It's fant… -
Friday Jun 15, 2007
Dear Jess, There are so many things to do that there aren't enough ho… -
Thursday May 10, 2007
so my website is back down, lol. but the good news is that i got a ba… -
Tuesday May 08, 2007
i'm drunk in carbondale illinois with my boyfriend. it's pretty much… -
Saturday May 05, 2007
The thing I like most about Kyle is how laid back we are together. It… -
Tuesday Apr 17, 2007
I've been thinking a lot about how rough these past 12 months have be… -
Tuesday Apr 10, 2007
do you ever just feel okay that you aren't friends with an entire gro… -
Sunday Mar 25, 2007
Oh my oh man. I'm listening to this mixed cd that Janelle made me on… -
Monday Mar 05, 2007
Sun 4 Mar - Cold War Kids, Tokyo Police Club, Delta Spirit I went … -
Wednesday Feb 28, 2007
For some reason my domain has decided that it would prefer to just no…