Mom accused me of whoring around today. I'm really upset about it. Seriously. it's like I get so upset when I hear I'm a whore from other people and I know it's not true about me but what am i supposed to do when it's from my own mother. I just think it's cruel of her. Dammit. Why would you call yr daughter that? Seriously. Madeline says that I "do this" because I'm desperately looking for the unconditional love my mother should have given me. She could be right. But I'm not sure. I just don't want to talk to people today.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 27, 2009
Hanging out at the coffee shop until class at 6 where I will present … -
Monday Apr 20, 2009
I had a dream last night that I gave birth. It was odd because I don… -
Thursday Apr 16, 2009
So the blog overhaul is going exceptionally well. The new layout is … -
Monday Apr 13, 2009
I'm back. And taking advantage of it. For my birthday, I was surp… -
Monday Nov 12, 2007
love, until your hands bleed i met you for the first time, disappoin… -
Thursday Oct 04, 2007
I get to see Kyle today. I'm so excited I can hardly keep myself tog… -
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
Sometimes, it really frustrates me that I have a boyfriend who is sev… -
Wednesday Sep 26, 2007
Seeing Kyle this weekend was really great. I surprised him with a bot… -
Monday Aug 27, 2007
Class has started. Life is much busier than I was used to over the s… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
I know. I've been bad at updating my sg account. I'll be better now…