Didn't make it to see the band last night. All my friends flaked on me and I didn't want to go by myself so I got to stay home and chill in the hot tub with my lovely! We need to get someone else in there with us.
I wish I could be doing this...

But it's way too cold right now.
Tonight we're going to the little hole in the wall Moroccan place with the belly dancer. Some chick from her work invited us. Should be fun...especially if she comes home with us...Woohuauhahahahh

I wish I could be doing this...

But it's way too cold right now.
Tonight we're going to the little hole in the wall Moroccan place with the belly dancer. Some chick from her work invited us. Should be fun...especially if she comes home with us...Woohuauhahahahh
i wish someone would do a meeeez for me. i am too lazy.
Did I ever tell you about my friend whose apt. was literally infested with brown recluses? The exterminator sprayed and there were *hundreds* of dead ones in her attic bedroom. (shudder) Apparently the house was riddled with termites, and so the brown recluses just had a breeding feild day.
She vacated with a quickness, and (of course) the landlord sued her. She presented the judge with a sticky-trap she'd used that had caught about 30 of the little guys in one night.
It was pretty compelling evidence-- she won.