Perception is reality.
Okay...I must explain.
In my world Perception Is Reality. I know that's not absolutly accurate, but it is in my world.
Now technically speaking, perception is relative. Why isnt life that easy???
Why is it when I tell a home owner that my crew will be there between 8 and 9am all they hear is 8am?
And why do they have to call at 8:01 to tell me my crew isn't there yet?
Why are people unreasonable? Why can't everyone be laid back?
Why do some of my crews think that it's okay to have a "rain day" when it rained overnight and in the morning it's just cloudy?
Why do they think it's okay to just reschedule a job that was scheduled on a specific day for a reason?
Why do they have to complain about having to go out and work (and make $500 in a day) just because they wanted a rain day, but yet they complain when there's not enough work?
I hate complainers!!!!!!!!.......and no....I'm not complaining, I'm just VENTING!!!!!!
I know....I'll just fire em' all!!!!! Screw everyone. Go find another job!!! There's plenty of people that are looking for work!
I have one crew that is a dream. Why can't they all be like them. As a matter of fact, there is a guy on my "dream crew" that's in a band, and just played an SG event here not too long ago, just before I started working here. Dang...I missed it!!! Next time I'll be front row!!!
Okay...back to my job now. I'm done venting.
Another long night at the office, more jobs to RESCHEDULE and an early commute to the Bay tomorrow.
Sorry for all the negativity, I'll work on that next time.
Okay...I must explain.
In my world Perception Is Reality. I know that's not absolutly accurate, but it is in my world.
Now technically speaking, perception is relative. Why isnt life that easy???
Why is it when I tell a home owner that my crew will be there between 8 and 9am all they hear is 8am?
And why do they have to call at 8:01 to tell me my crew isn't there yet?
Why are people unreasonable? Why can't everyone be laid back?
Why do some of my crews think that it's okay to have a "rain day" when it rained overnight and in the morning it's just cloudy?
Why do they think it's okay to just reschedule a job that was scheduled on a specific day for a reason?
Why do they have to complain about having to go out and work (and make $500 in a day) just because they wanted a rain day, but yet they complain when there's not enough work?
I hate complainers!!!!!!!!.......and no....I'm not complaining, I'm just VENTING!!!!!!
I know....I'll just fire em' all!!!!! Screw everyone. Go find another job!!! There's plenty of people that are looking for work!
I have one crew that is a dream. Why can't they all be like them. As a matter of fact, there is a guy on my "dream crew" that's in a band, and just played an SG event here not too long ago, just before I started working here. Dang...I missed it!!! Next time I'll be front row!!!
Okay...back to my job now. I'm done venting.
Another long night at the office, more jobs to RESCHEDULE and an early commute to the Bay tomorrow.
Sorry for all the negativity, I'll work on that next time.

I know you're up for it, though. Love you!!
Fuck bitching about getting work; my day rate is about 2/3 of that, and any day I actually get my rate is a red-letter day!
Well, if you were rooting for Luke 'cause he reminded you of me, I can dig that. I was rooting for him at first because of the ninja mask, but Joe's new little baby and general sunny disposition in the ring swayed me.
The guy that I liked the most fight-wise was the dude that Rashan beat in the semi-final. He was the only guy I saw that I thought was a good kicker (not that kicking is that critical in MMA, but . . . it's what I like the most).
Despite my love for good kicking, I was actually glad to see the Muay-Thai fighter get his ass handed to him; he was a fucking dick. I like fighters who conduct themselves with gravity, compassion or class.