So I weighed myself yesterday, and in five weeks, I've lost 18lbs/8.16kg. All from cutting down on the excess snacking I'd gotten into the habit of doing at work, and watching my calories more closely. I'd say exercise was part of that, but it hasn't played a huge part except in the first half, as my girlfriend got sick for a few weeks, so I...
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Good work hun! Take it day by day! 🩡
We took the Furry Fella to the park yesterday, to go exploring in the tall trees and trails.

While he wasn't especially pleased about being carried there through the neighborhood in his bubble carrier, he showed a lot more interest once we got there....

...if only begrudgingly.

Of course... he had to nom some grass. I expect him to barf soon at some point.

Looks like an incredibly fun time πŸ˜ƒ most definitely he enjoyed it 😸

Went to see The Magic Flute last night. It was my first time seeing and hearing it performed, and boy was it a unique experience!

The Magic Flute was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and apparently premiered only two months before he died at the young age of 35.

The Magic Flute has been adapted many times, in many different ways. This adaptation was inspired
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So last night, while preparing for the opera, I put on a pair of dress pants I'd grabbed randomly from my upstairs closet, and after putting them on, found they were a pair that haven't fit me since I was in my late twenties. I only realized it when I put my hands in the pockets and found the old tags from long ago still...
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So the Jupiter hotel must remember us from our previous stays, because they left us a room gift...

That’s very thoughtful of them πŸ˜…
@richsquared I thought so, not that we used it (much too busy for any of that this weekend). A funny souvenir at least 😁

I'm going to be late for work because of this fella, but someone needs their sleep.

Understandable, cats always come first πŸ˜‰ so handsome 😺
Nothing matters at moments like this πŸ₯°πŸ’•

The other day I was tagged by @richsquared to share a cherished item with all of you here, and I have to say... that's quite a question to ask someone who's an admitted packrat with way too much cherished stuff. It's hard to pick just one, so I'll give you three. Spoilers for the brief story of each so you can pick and choose.

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@alexislust took the words out of my mouth. So beautiful and thanks for sharing all these ❀️ Norah’s rabbit is so cute 😊
Thank you for sharing with us. 😊

Or something like that, I don't know.

So awesome and the same to you 😁

So I calorie counted for a week, just out of curiosity for what I was actually consuming each day, and the week in general.

Of course, just like the observer effect in quantum physics, seeing what I was consuming made me more conscientious of what and how much I was putting into my body.

As a result, I'm actually 7lbs (0.45kg) lighter than I was...
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