An Inconvenient Truth? is January 6th, and where I am in Canada there is NO snow....which is unusual. We had one huge snow storm at the beginning of December, and a few snow falls, but this is just not right. I am not a fan of Winter, but no snow here is just wrong. Global warming you think? Well here is a pic I took from my balcony of the green green grass and no snow!
It has been raining wicked too! Has anyone seen the movie called "An Inconvenient Truth"?? It is awesome!! Even if you are aware of gloabal warming and its affects you should see this movie. It is about Al Gore who goes around the world giving this presentation about global it is a documentary but it will open your eyes like never before. I have lived in Canada all my life and the winters are getting milder, and it is not natural. Lots of people like it, but even though it is nice to have warmer weather and shorter winters to me it just means that the world is out of balance, and that can lead to disasterous effects.
See the trailer for "An Inconvenient Truth" at
This is another awesome site for the movie and info on global warming:
Ok...just wanted to talk about something other than blah blah blah here. Think I will repost this on an SG board.
On a lighter note....well ofcourse I am not going to make this entire blog all serious and all... Got a moving truck booked, and got my new apartment and have my rent down and all...yeah!!! So I did get a place, and it was one of the first ones I looked at (online). So now I have an address to move to and change all my info for (yeah..that is always a pain in the arse!). So on January 18th I will be on my way to my new home, which will take about 3 days to drive to...but it should be fun.
My friends here are having a moviing away party and it should be a blast! We are going to have a poker party and play texas hold em poker (for booze most likely), and my girlfrend has a pokdre table and the chips and all. We are going to crack open the cuban cigars too, and get all liquored up! We have been thinking about having a 40's gangster theme to it...and it is an ALL GIRLS PARTY I will post some pics when we do will be a blast!
So that is it for is another pic of me on my new cam...had a few drinks when I took it, though

It has been raining wicked too! Has anyone seen the movie called "An Inconvenient Truth"?? It is awesome!! Even if you are aware of gloabal warming and its affects you should see this movie. It is about Al Gore who goes around the world giving this presentation about global it is a documentary but it will open your eyes like never before. I have lived in Canada all my life and the winters are getting milder, and it is not natural. Lots of people like it, but even though it is nice to have warmer weather and shorter winters to me it just means that the world is out of balance, and that can lead to disasterous effects.
See the trailer for "An Inconvenient Truth" at
This is another awesome site for the movie and info on global warming:
Ok...just wanted to talk about something other than blah blah blah here. Think I will repost this on an SG board.
On a lighter note....well ofcourse I am not going to make this entire blog all serious and all... Got a moving truck booked, and got my new apartment and have my rent down and all...yeah!!! So I did get a place, and it was one of the first ones I looked at (online). So now I have an address to move to and change all my info for (yeah..that is always a pain in the arse!). So on January 18th I will be on my way to my new home, which will take about 3 days to drive to...but it should be fun.
My friends here are having a moviing away party and it should be a blast! We are going to have a poker party and play texas hold em poker (for booze most likely), and my girlfrend has a pokdre table and the chips and all. We are going to crack open the cuban cigars too, and get all liquored up! We have been thinking about having a 40's gangster theme to it...and it is an ALL GIRLS PARTY I will post some pics when we do will be a blast!
So that is it for is another pic of me on my new cam...had a few drinks when I took it, though


Well, I'm in Montana, and here it seems just as miserable as it usually is in Montana. That meaning completely unpredictable weather (We had a freak snowstorm in the middle of July a few years ago that decimated half of the trees in town), combined with a liberal helping of cold and ice. While at this writing things seem unusually warm (i.e. 36F), things change from week to week around here, with the only constant being cold and snowy. I'd sell my soul to a Suicide Girl for a winter without snow and cold. Though I'd probably sell my sould to an SG for just about anything. Hehe.
Thank you!