I AM PREGNANT! And I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. This will be my first baby. So I am including my "Baby Ticker" on this post that will change as I go along. Already have a boy and girls name picked out (on my ticker).
I am already getting morning, afternoon and evening sickness, weird cravings and feeling quite prego.
Now I have another excuse for another...
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I am already getting morning, afternoon and evening sickness, weird cravings and feeling quite prego.
Now I have another excuse for another...
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I am officially dropping out of being a hopeful for SG, and after my membership is up in December I doubt I will be here. I just found that SG was not what I thought it would be at all. There is so much cattiness among the SG's and hopefuls that it is ridiculous. A lot is subtle, and I don't like it. I have...
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Lol thanks for the comment. As for the smoking pot thing, yeah that's a bad, bad, bad idea. I used to get really obnoxious when I was high so I quit.
Thinking or quiting trying for SG.... for various reasons. I can't the rest of my pics for my set, and I feel like SG is so cliquey that my set won't get chosen. I got a lot of comments though.
Also, I got a job that if I did model naked on the internet I could lose, and I love it. Many things are going...
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Also, I got a job that if I did model naked on the internet I could lose, and I love it. Many things are going...
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You'r such a fox. I can only hope to see more of you on SG

Well other things have come up and I really don't think I want to do SG anymore. I have also gotten an offer from a site called Gypsy Queens, and they are different from SG in the way that they promote tats before tits..which is cool. It is fairly new and seems very cool. I think it is more for me right now.
They are a cool tat link, and I have lots of tattoo stuff and sexy girls at my site at www.myspace.com/cerrasartgallery
They are a cool tat link, and I have lots of tattoo stuff and sexy girls at my site at www.myspace.com/cerrasartgallery
Books, Art and Some Photos .....
-Well, I am excited that I have my manuscript sent off..yeah wish me luck!!!
-Also I have been working on my sketchbook so I can start finding somewhere to apprentice tattooing.
-AND I have been playing around with my camera myself..just to see if I could do my own set. The lighting thing has to be the hardest part....
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-Well, I am excited that I have my manuscript sent off..yeah wish me luck!!!
-Also I have been working on my sketchbook so I can start finding somewhere to apprentice tattooing.
-AND I have been playing around with my camera myself..just to see if I could do my own set. The lighting thing has to be the hardest part....
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your welcome (for the comment in the hopefuls section) i think you're beautiful..you look like a sculpture 

Hey sweetie! <3
Check out my ART!!!! I now have an art album I am putting together. I need to make a professional portfolio and sketchbook so that I can apprentice tattooing in my spare time. I really think it would be a fun job to do part time... don't want to give up my full time job....but I love to paint and draw...so it would be interesting...
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Seriously wicked artwork! Also? You're quite stunning! xo
Thanks for the comments..on me and my art


2nd Rejected Set Pics..... Well here they are..some of my 2nd rejected set Pics. To see the album go to http://suicidegirls.com/members/Ceridwen77/pics/126064/
Some are actually good I think, but I think the real reason it was rejected was because there was not enough good ones...I dunno. I tried to do something very simple...simple clothes and background. Now that I see my pics, I think my make...
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Some are actually good I think, but I think the real reason it was rejected was because there was not enough good ones...I dunno. I tried to do something very simple...simple clothes and background. Now that I see my pics, I think my make...
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I think I may try again...I dunno. I am happy with the pics, and am a very confident woman, but maybe SG is not for me. A lot of people made comments like my pics were more "Maxim" style, opposed to SG. Well....I did use to do fashion modelling many many years ago (runway)... so maybe SG is not my thing. I know I can't do my modelling again, because I am too heavy for it anymore, plus I have too many tattoos...so that is out...plus I am 30 so I am an old geezer in the modelling world. As much as I want to do SG, I now don't think I have the right look for SG, from what people are saying...they seem to want more alternative looking girls...most are younger too and skinnier...not my look. It is weird because as much as I have received comments on my looks here by both men and women, the people who run SG seem to not like my look I guess. Hey....maybe when I do get back into better shape again I will try for Maxim Magazine then. I have lost weight since my last photos...just need to tone...been working on my tan again too.... so maybe Maxim will want me if SG doesn't......hmmmmm.
GAwd...have not been here in forever..wayyyy too busy with work. I have not been able to see my pics taken because I don't have internet at home yet..long story..being screwed around with that..argh...which sucks because I am now really far from my friends and family since my move and 2 hours behind now in a different time zone.... oh well...when I do I will post...
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I GOT NEKKID...Ok....I was visiting my Dad on the weekend, because I am moving in 4 days..whoa 4! Sooo..I decided to do a small practice shoot. I thought I would call it "Flashback" since the spare room I sleep in mainly consists of 1970's furniture and all that...even cassette tapes (no 8 tracks though!)...so I just used this old old looking stool to be in...
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I like the facial expression in the first one (your profile image). Some of the others need just a little work. The best way I think is to just take a ton of pics of yourself and try different stuff. Maybe look at some of the SGs you like and try to emulate their facial expressions...
I'm sure the photographer will direct you a bit to get the best poses and faces out of you.
Practice makes perfect! Best of luck with your set and the submission process.
I'm sure the photographer will direct you a bit to get the best poses and faces out of you.
Practice makes perfect! Best of luck with your set and the submission process.

I can't seem to edit my comment, but I wanted to say that I do like all the expressions in Practice Shoots (2)

Just got my tattoo finished yesterday!! It is difficult to tell the difference in the pics, but much of the outline was done over, and the colours were done over and better. Can't wait to see the result when it fully heals! It only took an hour and a half to finish...no stopping. The first time was 3 hours. I am glad I got it...
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Thanks DoKMH.
Yeah and today it is all scabbing up...the worst part! It is so stiff when I move it...urgh (move my arm). But at least it is not scabbing up like the first round of ink on this one.
Yeah and today it is all scabbing up...the worst part! It is so stiff when I move it...urgh (move my arm). But at least it is not scabbing up like the first round of ink on this one.

I love your tatt, i found a similar one that i really really really want but its of cherry blossoms, actually i'll see if i have a pic *searches*

An Inconvenient Truth? Ok....it is January 6th, and where I am in Canada there is NO snow....which is unusual. We had one huge snow storm at the beginning of December, and a few snow falls, but this is just not right. I am not a fan of Winter, but no snow here is just wrong. Global warming you think? Well here is a pic I...
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Well, I'm in Montana, and here it seems just as miserable as it usually is in Montana. That meaning completely unpredictable weather (We had a freak snowstorm in the middle of July a few years ago that decimated half of the trees in town), combined with a liberal helping of cold and ice. While at this writing things seem unusually warm (i.e. 36F), things change from week to week around here, with the only constant being cold and snowy. I'd sell my soul to a Suicide Girl for a winter without snow and cold. Though I'd probably sell my sould to an SG for just about anything. Hehe.
Thank you! 

is the link for the sleeve pics and to answer the second part of your question ,I have no news what so ever, the SG photographer who toke them wont even answer my e-mails ...