As promised a massive photo dump blog is here. I will spoiler things so as to not make it hard to read. First I wanna say that I had such a blast at Audrisa's. She is so sweet and we hit it off right away. (She's a feisty one though)
When she got to my house she immediately gave me a huge hug, which made me all happy
I have to admit I was a bit nervous to meet her and spend the weekend at her place. I kept asking myself things like "What if she doesn't like me?" and "What if we have nothing in common?".
The first day we went into Olympia and she took me to the Oyster House for lunch. I had some delicious clam chowder. When we walked into the restaurant there were blue skies and sunshine, but on the way out it was pouring down rain
That night I went to work with her, and got to meet a really cool dude(I'll keep all that info to myself for now, since I'm not sure if I can share it) Anyway I had a pretty good time at this BBQ thing we went to, though I was stoned off my ass. I haven't smoked in about 3 years, and when I took a huge hit off the bong (like I used to be able to) I was gone for the rest of the night. Haha I was so quiet all night because I didn't want anyone to notice how damn high I was.
On Sunday we went to Tumwater Falls park and Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge after she got off work, and we took a massive amount of photos. It was so beautiful there. If there weren't so many people around I totally would've flashed the camera so much, but sadly I didn't think the parents of all the children present would appreciate that.
Then on Monday she took me to the capital building since I had never been. It was absolutely gorgeous.
I was going to post the pictures as I talked about what happened, but that seemed like too much work, and after having to go through over 800 photos and pick out the ones I wanted to post, I'm so doing this the lazy way. I will however break them up into groups for y'all so it's at least somewhat organized.
Without further ado, The Photos
When she got to my house she immediately gave me a huge hug, which made me all happy

The first day we went into Olympia and she took me to the Oyster House for lunch. I had some delicious clam chowder. When we walked into the restaurant there were blue skies and sunshine, but on the way out it was pouring down rain

That night I went to work with her, and got to meet a really cool dude(I'll keep all that info to myself for now, since I'm not sure if I can share it) Anyway I had a pretty good time at this BBQ thing we went to, though I was stoned off my ass. I haven't smoked in about 3 years, and when I took a huge hit off the bong (like I used to be able to) I was gone for the rest of the night. Haha I was so quiet all night because I didn't want anyone to notice how damn high I was.
On Sunday we went to Tumwater Falls park and Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge after she got off work, and we took a massive amount of photos. It was so beautiful there. If there weren't so many people around I totally would've flashed the camera so much, but sadly I didn't think the parents of all the children present would appreciate that.
Then on Monday she took me to the capital building since I had never been. It was absolutely gorgeous.
I was going to post the pictures as I talked about what happened, but that seemed like too much work, and after having to go through over 800 photos and pick out the ones I wanted to post, I'm so doing this the lazy way. I will however break them up into groups for y'all so it's at least somewhat organized.
Without further ado, The Photos
Sunday Pt. 1 - Tumwatter Falls park
Sunday pt. 2 - Nisqually National Wildlife Reserve
Monday - The Capital Building
Yes I know that's a lot of photos... How do you think I felt going through and resizing them all?
Hope every one's weekend was as awesome as ours was!
Tomorrow I hang with Cadavre So there will be photos of that too (though probably not nearly as much)
to you all
My weekends are usually boring but this Saturday I'm in a dance show. Hopefully it will to well. I'm a bit nervous about it since I've only been dancing for about 4 months.