So yesterday, I went with my good friend/ roommate to my favorite tattoo shop. (Seriously guys, if you're in Washington and looking for a piercing/tattoo I recommend you check out Action Tattoo in downtown Auburn)
I was so excited to go in, I've been wanting to get my septum done for about 4 years now. I had my doubts off and on (and my ex would refuse to talk to anyone who even had one) but ultimately I decided to do it. And I LOVE it! Jessica got her lip done, and it looks so cute on her.
I love piercings, but I am absolutely terrified of needles. I feel kinda like a wimp, but I made Jessica hold my hand. It was funny, she said I was doing fine till the needle hit my skin, and that's when I broke out into a cold sweat.
The piercing wasn't too bad, all in all. Didn't hurt too much, and was over quickly. I bleed a lot, though that's nothing new. I've bleed every time I get a piercing.
Anyway, here it is, one last time, because I am so damn happy about it

I was so excited to go in, I've been wanting to get my septum done for about 4 years now. I had my doubts off and on (and my ex would refuse to talk to anyone who even had one) but ultimately I decided to do it. And I LOVE it! Jessica got her lip done, and it looks so cute on her.
I love piercings, but I am absolutely terrified of needles. I feel kinda like a wimp, but I made Jessica hold my hand. It was funny, she said I was doing fine till the needle hit my skin, and that's when I broke out into a cold sweat.
The piercing wasn't too bad, all in all. Didn't hurt too much, and was over quickly. I bleed a lot, though that's nothing new. I've bleed every time I get a piercing.
Anyway, here it is, one last time, because I am so damn happy about it

You are so fucking sexy! I love it.... on that note, have fun my dear. 

Ya drunken blogs are always entertaining, I made it a mission because I like how honest I get when I am drunk, writing comes very easily under the influence and believe me I tried. But alas, I am a lightweight nowadays and it was just not happening. Hopefully next time I won't be THAT drunk, and with the advent of summer I anticipate going out much more, so hopefully it won't be another year before I have an opportunity to write a drunken blog about a really fun night.