Hi guys! How are you?
I'm going through a stressful moment but I'm trying to stay positive. Lately I've been very busy with work and study, so I didn't have time to update my SG account and to tell you all my latest news, but now I think it's time to!
First of all, my 1 year account is expiring, and as I still haven't uploaded my second set, I won't be able to access SG for a while, but I swear I'll come back asap! In the meantime I would like to thank you all again for the love you are still giving to my debut set and, more generally, for all the love and support you've been giving to me since I'm here.
Last but not least, some good news: I'm finally fighting my skin problems and it seems that these new medicaments are working! My face looks a bit more soft and smooth than before, and I can't be happier! Unfortunately all these skin-care products cost me a huge amount of money per month, and they make me bloat like a balloon, but I really really hope it will help me getting better.
I wish you will have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful time, I love you all, guys. See you soon! šš