- on celery's page
Two days and then it is over for some time.
I have used this as a way of offering part of me up to the world. Thank you everyone who ever read anything I wrote, or to all those who wrote for me to read.
And with that he missed that which was left behind. But, for the third bear who was fatter than the...
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I have used this as a way of offering part of me up to the world. Thank you everyone who ever read anything I wrote, or to all those who wrote for me to read.
And with that he missed that which was left behind. But, for the third bear who was fatter than the...
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I am on a reality television show called Double Take. If you want to know more about that or me you will have to just watch the show. I think that it is cable so good luck with that. By the way, it is really silly.
Home And Garden Network
April 21st 9 pm
22nd 1 am, or 4 pm
24th 11:30 pm
25th 3:30...
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Home And Garden Network
April 21st 9 pm
22nd 1 am, or 4 pm
24th 11:30 pm
25th 3:30...
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1) Amen. And good for you. Jerk friends are kinda worthless, especially if they prevent beauty sleep.
2) I've seen girls do that too, to be fair. I think I even used to try to do that--care only about myself in order to be safest. It's probably lucky that I've gotten fairly bad at staying uninvested--because life's better when you actually care about it.
2) I've seen girls do that too, to be fair. I think I even used to try to do that--care only about myself in order to be safest. It's probably lucky that I've gotten fairly bad at staying uninvested--because life's better when you actually care about it.

thanks for the insight on guys. sounds like a shitty fight over nothing.
and i agree about cell phones being bad news. especially text messaging (which i have been guilty of.) but that was for the sole purpose of NOT having to see the person in person and have to talk. its easier for me to be mad when not in person. does that make sense? dump his ass!!!
and i am definitely taping the show youre on! thats awesome. congrats.

and i am definitely taping the show youre on! thats awesome. congrats.

My friend made a clock for me. You know how in people magazine or whatever they have multiple photographs of celebrities showing the different phases they have gone through with their hair, clothing, and image? There are twelve different phases of Brad Pit each one representing a different hour of the day. My personal favorite is the stocking cap Brad around four or when he...
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La nudit n'est jamais qu'un signe de plus.
- Jean Baudrillard
Glad to see you're still thinking deep thoughts.
La nudit n'est jamais qu'un signe de plus.
- Jean Baudrillard
Glad to see you're still thinking deep thoughts.
a leg bone?
Did I say New York? Yeah, that was a mistake. Sorry friends in PA who I have thrown through a loop. Anyway, I was visiting Columbia and besides being plump and rosy by reputation, the dean and other members of the welcoming committee were so nonchalant and insincere that it was borderline offensive. Oh, well I guess Ill just have to live in New York...
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The guy is a complete racist with useless ideas of nationalism. Nevertheless he is a goof and it may be worth looking at his videos for a laugh. The best part about him is that nothing that he says is funny or clever. I for one find this to be funny.
go to the bottom of his page and click on videos. Prepare to...
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go to the bottom of his page and click on videos. Prepare to...
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Woot! Congrats on school! I just got into school as well--but not in New York. So I can only relate on the getting-in-to-school part.
Also, I haven't looked at that video clip yet, but I will (I'm at home and my mom is asleep nearby and it's nearly 4:00 am) . . . Anyway--I find things like that at least 75% funnier when either 1) the person isn't even remotely on the ball with the funny or clever bit, but really wants to be, or 2) when the person is totally serious about something that can be construed as funny or clever (case in point: the theme song for the Minutemen. Hilaaarrrrious).
Hope all is well!
Being that I haven't watched the
Also, I haven't looked at that video clip yet, but I will (I'm at home and my mom is asleep nearby and it's nearly 4:00 am) . . . Anyway--I find things like that at least 75% funnier when either 1) the person isn't even remotely on the ball with the funny or clever bit, but really wants to be, or 2) when the person is totally serious about something that can be construed as funny or clever (case in point: the theme song for the Minutemen. Hilaaarrrrious).
Hope all is well!

Being that I haven't watched the
nice park. I took anthropology last semester... and heard that we are all basically monkeys... and I, like you- also like the sea... and swimming in the sea... so technically i am a sea monkey too. As for the fertility dance--- if you need a back up partner... let me know... I dance like a jellyfish, another sea creature....
thats like in the town i live. they had a mcdonalds and they tore it down. they replaced it with another "newer" mcdonalds????

techno cat! so exciting! ive been happy as of late as well. happy shamrock day.

But do you have any sea monkeys?
Grape jelly will do in a pinch, but apple butter or homemade strawberry preserves pee all over that junk.
Welcome to MN (when you arrive)! You will hate it, as most immigrants do.
Grape jelly will do in a pinch, but apple butter or homemade strawberry preserves pee all over that junk.
Welcome to MN (when you arrive)! You will hate it, as most immigrants do.

i like that last line.
a lot.
a lot.
I am going to ride my skate more than I did last month.
go forth, skate and be happy

2000 miles has GOT to be rough. i couldnt deal with the 1400 miles between me and my exbf who lived in new mexico. he would never have shaved his head, hahaha.
The following is a letter that I didnt send.
Part of respecting your decision was making the choice not to make it difficult for you to make it. I will not try to stop you.
I notice every day that I want to have you near. Even though I have never woken up wrapped within one another, I miss that part too. The possibility. I...
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Part of respecting your decision was making the choice not to make it difficult for you to make it. I will not try to stop you.
I notice every day that I want to have you near. Even though I have never woken up wrapped within one another, I miss that part too. The possibility. I...
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Everything changed in about a week.
The things I held are now not so important anymore.
I feel wonderful about most things.
I am holding back a bit from a friend of mine.
The things I held are now not so important anymore.
I feel wonderful about most things.
I am holding back a bit from a friend of mine.
Odd isn't it how things can change so fast?
What's your favourite weather?
Q: Penguins or Polar Bears?
What's your favourite weather?
Q: Penguins or Polar Bears?
i saw that hot chip is opening for stereolab, &i did a little dance, haha. i think i might just try to make it to that show.
Stanford University climatologist Stephen H. Schneider, who is helping oversee a major international assessment of how climate change could expose humans and the environment to new vulnerabilities, said countries respond differently to the global warming issue in part because they are affected differently by it. The small island nation of Kiribati is made up of 33 small atolls, none of which is more than 6.5...
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Is that better?

i will miss you immensely
i will also keep in touch with you
i will remember your fun writings
i am not telling any lies today.
and good luck with everything.
7 kisses for you.