Volunteer Quest for 5/9/09
> Hello Pagan Festival Friends, Former Volunteers & Community Members,
> I'd like to thank you for taking the time to consider volunteering in
> order to put on the 8th Annual Pagan Festival & Pride Parade on 5/9/09 in Berkeley, CA. Please
> look below and see what you would like to volunteer for and what shifts.
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> Hello Pagan Festival Friends, Former Volunteers & Community Members,
> I'd like to thank you for taking the time to consider volunteering in
> order to put on the 8th Annual Pagan Festival & Pride Parade on 5/9/09 in Berkeley, CA. Please
> look below and see what you would like to volunteer for and what shifts.
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Witches' Ball
March 28
at the Benicia Clock Tower
1189 Washington Street
Benicia, CA
$5 each child (kids under 3 get in free)
$10 per adult before 8pm (all ages from 3-7pm)
$13 after 8pm (21+ after 8pm)
Children's Afternoon 3-7pm
Ostara Egg Hunt
Face Painting
Puppeteers www.caterpillarpupp ets.com
Reclaiming's Spiral Dance Chorus led by Evelie Delfino Salas Posch
a Spiral Dance
Druid Storytelling Pavilion...
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March 28
at the Benicia Clock Tower
1189 Washington Street
Benicia, CA
$5 each child (kids under 3 get in free)
$10 per adult before 8pm (all ages from 3-7pm)
$13 after 8pm (21+ after 8pm)
Children's Afternoon 3-7pm
Ostara Egg Hunt
Face Painting
Puppeteers www.caterpillarpupp ets.com
Reclaiming's Spiral Dance Chorus led by Evelie Delfino Salas Posch
a Spiral Dance
Druid Storytelling Pavilion...
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Thanks for the friend request.
I love that you Iincluded children at this event.
I love that you Iincluded children at this event.
It was a great time.
The Hunger
5th Annual Vampire Fetish Club
Friday, Nov. 30
9:30 pm - 2 am
Cat Club
1190 Folsom St. @ 8th St.
San Francisco, CA 94103-3927
21 +
Join us for an evening of fabulous vampiric debauchery!
The will be complete with our favorite The Lord of Fangs, Biting,
Ice, and Flogging Booths, Play Area, BDSM Demos, Costume Contest (the
theme is Rockula!),...
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hmm vampires are always fun.
THe heiroglyphs mean "Neteri Ni" which translates as Divine (f.) Poison or the Serpents Venom of the Goddess
Dance for the HELL of it!!!!!
Friday, June 29th 9:30pm
Cat Club, 1190 Folsom Street- SF CA-
$10 all night 21+
First 50 people get a WTF Goodie Bag. (You provide the lube!)
Dance for the HELL of it. Come dance to anything and everything. That's right! We're going to play anything that'll make you dance, laugh, and buy more booze! (They...
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Dance for the HELL of it!!!!!
Friday, June 29th 9:30pm
Cat Club, 1190 Folsom Street- SF CA-
$10 all night 21+
First 50 people get a WTF Goodie Bag. (You provide the lube!)
Dance for the HELL of it. Come dance to anything and everything. That's right! We're going to play anything that'll make you dance, laugh, and buy more booze! (They...
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thank you sweety

I am the Dance Commander, giving out the order for fun!!!!
I wreaked my truck in2 a tree, on way back from hotsprings & eco arts fieldtrip, totally totalled it, i am sore, and in pain, but otherwise ok. am a little doped on vicoden. whoot.
The truck died going down 29 between middletown & calistoga. very steep windy mountain road fyi. hit brakes, no stop AHHHHHH! Traffic stopped for construction & i didnt want to...
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The truck died going down 29 between middletown & calistoga. very steep windy mountain road fyi. hit brakes, no stop AHHHHHH! Traffic stopped for construction & i didnt want to...
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All the best hon on recovering soon!

What a drag, especially after a nice trip to HHS. That road is pretty nasty. I hate having to drive it after I'm all relaxed from soaking at the springs. I hope you're feeling better.
Hey I am in the cover story of the East Bay Express today Here's an excerpt:
Raising Pagans
When Daddy is Catholic and Mommy is a Witch, what's a couple to teach their children?
By Kathleen Richards
Published: March 28, 2007
At first glance, you'd never know that little Elizabeth Nettleton is Pagan. The vivacious four-year-old cuddles in her mother's lap, floppy blond bangs...
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Raising Pagans
When Daddy is Catholic and Mommy is a Witch, what's a couple to teach their children?
By Kathleen Richards
Published: March 28, 2007
At first glance, you'd never know that little Elizabeth Nettleton is Pagan. The vivacious four-year-old cuddles in her mother's lap, floppy blond bangs...
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Ah. I've figured out how to see the picture larger (I like not this new layout) I figured the top tattoo for wings for Isis, but in the small picture that I saw I thought the bottom looked like a norse symbol called "The Helm of Awe" in English. An eight pointed symbol to strike fear in the hearts of enemies. I asked because I'm Asatru, and not the folk brand that tends to be a little (read: a lot) racist, and thought that a symbol of Isis next to a symbol of the Aesir was.. well... odd to be honest. Anyway... Once again congrats on the articles.
i guess tho the chaos star and the helm of awe do have some thing in common, if you were smart, both would strike fear, hehehe. Actually the wings are a homage to Ma'at. Gotta have chaos. Gotta have balance
6th Annual Pagan Festival-Berkeley, California-Presented by Pagan Alliance
Saturday, May 12, 2007-10:00 am to 5:30 pm
FREE-All Are Welcome!!!
Theme: Magical Journeys
This year our festival focuses on Children and Young Adults. Our theme represents the many paths we take and the lessons we learn on the way to finding our spirituality.
Honored Keeper of the Light- Patrick Mc Collum, Statewide Wiccan Chaplain for the...
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Saturday, May 12, 2007-10:00 am to 5:30 pm
FREE-All Are Welcome!!!
Theme: Magical Journeys
This year our festival focuses on Children and Young Adults. Our theme represents the many paths we take and the lessons we learn on the way to finding our spirituality.
Honored Keeper of the Light- Patrick Mc Collum, Statewide Wiccan Chaplain for the...
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things like this is why i miss california so much
that's exactly what i'm talkin about..
I have to do a million things, but I am tired and just want to sleep. IS it soooo wrong to desire rest when there is so much homework to do? Got one response paper done on homeschooling. My Homeschooling reader is almost finished. I have to get all of the independant study on homeschool work done by March 9th. That way I can concentrate...
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I am hard at work on my final project for my BA degree. Starting a pagan, co-ed scout troop. It's called Spiral Scouts and now I am working on organizing a potluck/ meet and greet at my house the last weekend of February, it's an exciting prospect but also very intimidating. Especially now that the ball is really rolling. This is an exciting way for...
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"Starting a pagan, co-ed scout troop... .called Spiral Scouts"
You fucking rule!! That sounds awsome. And there I was, back in the day, I had to suffer as a brownie. Good luck to you. And congrats!
You fucking rule!! That sounds awsome. And there I was, back in the day, I had to suffer as a brownie. Good luck to you. And congrats!

You know i was a brownie too. It sukked