day one (thursday morning)
-wake up. it's hot and gross, and i couldn't be less excited about this.

-charge up the ipod. final analysis of the playlist. angels and airwaves, third eye blind,
fleetwood mac, panic! at the disco, afi, concrete blonde, muse, goldfrapp. maybe this won't be all bad.

-and we're off!!

the subway part of union station is gorgeous. it has this slinky industrial type vibe, lots of dark and brushed metal everywhere. totally unique to los angeles.
day 1.5 (thursday evening)
-after 4 hours on 3 trains, i'm finally in san diego. there's already an amazingly refreshing breeze going.
i'm in heaven. beautiful city, right off the bat.
-walk down to the westgate hotel, for the comic book league defense fund(raiser).
meet up with chloe, and trixie.
we were supposed to be selling raffle tickets. i ended up wearing mine as a scarf which slowly disentegrated the more i sold. chole + trixie + cedar + tequlia + vodka + party = happy fun times chaos.
-_mike_, amy (my more than amazing weekend hosts), and mark finally showed at the party.

-the rest of the night consisted of amazing conversations with the likes of juliana, her boy echofonic, gerry_d, octegon, a group of very well spoken sexuality professors, our awesome party hosts, amina, and oubliette.
day two (friday)
-it's all about the con. crazy lines, crazy costumes, crazy heat.
i spent most of the day behind the booth selling sg merch, chatting with passer bys, and getting used to the whole gigantic place. i had been two or three years ago, but it wasn't anything like this.
bigger. better. faster. longer.
-amina, chloe, and i @ the sg booth.
-i met squeek!!!!

-holy shit.....#%#*(#)(#*$@@$#^$($).....DITA VON TEESE!

-amina might possibly be the funniest person on the face of the planet. but there'll be more on that later....
-friday evening was all about relaxing in _mike_'s hot tub, chatting with amy, studying the con guide, and attemping to get astro to love me. no such luck yet.
day three (saturday)
-get up early and walk with kalel (mike's friend, awesome super nerd, and the other house guest of the weekend) to a cute little coffee shop on the corner. grab some lattes and a raspberry crumb cake. mmmm........
-i'm an hour and 1/2 late to the convention. traffic is total shit! it took 45 mins just to drop me off at the side of the center. it's the first time in history that comic con has sold out. people are running around trying to buy passes off other people, online and onsite registration has been shut down, the fire marshall isn't letting ANYONE into the building.
-amina, candy, and i @ the sg booth.
-anthony e. zuiker, creator of csi stops by the booth. i happen to mention that i have a giant crush on eric szmanda aka "greg sanders" the dna tech and super hot geek on csi: las vegas. suddenly he whips out his phone, dials, and says "you'd better take the phone. it's ringing...."
HOLY SHIT! what do i do? what do i do? what do i do???! so, i left the most embarrasing message of my life. i hope he enjoyed it. fuck. i'm so retarded.
-this is kurt. see kurt's shirt?

-kurt writes comic books for ten ton studios. kurt and i will make eyes at each other for another 5 hours before actually speaking. oh kuuuuuuuurt.
-i bump into posh, scopitone, and others. pictures are taken with oubiette, the "ugly doll" ice bat, and photography master chad micheal ward.

-at the end of the day i catch a cab home. my cabby and i end up getting so distract in our conversation about family, god, happiness and life, that we pass the house three times!
-about 20 mins after i get back to mike's house, there's a black out. sweet! so we all sit around drinking wine and chatting about life. after a nice relaxing while of that, and scrambling for flashlights, we head out to a sushi dinner. mark, and his sweet as pie girlfriend, meet up with us.
delicious miso soup, hot sake, and awesome dinner buddies. follow that with the best chocolate cake i've ever had, and a few impromptu guitar solos by mark. i'm set for the night. san diego is officially way better than la. i'm never leaving.
day four (sunday)
-official children's day, and last day of comic con.
-the day i had a glorious make out session with my con crush, kurt.
-it's creepy when parents want you to take pictures with their kids. ESPECIALLY when they've already stated that they "um.....recognize you from the site".
-amina, chloe, trixie, candy, and i @ the sg booth.
- chaos. of all the days, childrens day is the day we're all over the top, uncontrolably raunchy.
there are no words for this.

all pirates are welcome to trixie's booty.

apparently you can spead chloe like peanut butter.

but keep your paws of candy's hella sic tatties.
and me?

i guess my mouth wants to meet your cock. thanksamina!

-and the ride back home? octegon and i listening to stand up comedy, eating charms sweet and sour lollies.
i DARE YOU to have had a better comic con experience than i did. ♥
day one (thursday morning)
-wake up. it's hot and gross, and i couldn't be less excited about this.

-charge up the ipod. final analysis of the playlist. angels and airwaves, third eye blind,
fleetwood mac, panic! at the disco, afi, concrete blonde, muse, goldfrapp. maybe this won't be all bad.

-and we're off!!

the subway part of union station is gorgeous. it has this slinky industrial type vibe, lots of dark and brushed metal everywhere. totally unique to los angeles.
day 1.5 (thursday evening)
-after 4 hours on 3 trains, i'm finally in san diego. there's already an amazingly refreshing breeze going.
i'm in heaven. beautiful city, right off the bat.
-walk down to the westgate hotel, for the comic book league defense fund(raiser).
meet up with chloe, and trixie.
we were supposed to be selling raffle tickets. i ended up wearing mine as a scarf which slowly disentegrated the more i sold. chole + trixie + cedar + tequlia + vodka + party = happy fun times chaos.
-_mike_, amy (my more than amazing weekend hosts), and mark finally showed at the party.

-the rest of the night consisted of amazing conversations with the likes of juliana, her boy echofonic, gerry_d, octegon, a group of very well spoken sexuality professors, our awesome party hosts, amina, and oubliette.
day two (friday)
-it's all about the con. crazy lines, crazy costumes, crazy heat.
i spent most of the day behind the booth selling sg merch, chatting with passer bys, and getting used to the whole gigantic place. i had been two or three years ago, but it wasn't anything like this.
bigger. better. faster. longer.
-amina, chloe, and i @ the sg booth.
-i met squeek!!!!

-holy shit.....#%#*(#)(#*$@@$#^$($).....DITA VON TEESE!

-amina might possibly be the funniest person on the face of the planet. but there'll be more on that later....
-friday evening was all about relaxing in _mike_'s hot tub, chatting with amy, studying the con guide, and attemping to get astro to love me. no such luck yet.
day three (saturday)
-get up early and walk with kalel (mike's friend, awesome super nerd, and the other house guest of the weekend) to a cute little coffee shop on the corner. grab some lattes and a raspberry crumb cake. mmmm........
-i'm an hour and 1/2 late to the convention. traffic is total shit! it took 45 mins just to drop me off at the side of the center. it's the first time in history that comic con has sold out. people are running around trying to buy passes off other people, online and onsite registration has been shut down, the fire marshall isn't letting ANYONE into the building.
-amina, candy, and i @ the sg booth.
-anthony e. zuiker, creator of csi stops by the booth. i happen to mention that i have a giant crush on eric szmanda aka "greg sanders" the dna tech and super hot geek on csi: las vegas. suddenly he whips out his phone, dials, and says "you'd better take the phone. it's ringing...."
HOLY SHIT! what do i do? what do i do? what do i do???! so, i left the most embarrasing message of my life. i hope he enjoyed it. fuck. i'm so retarded.
-this is kurt. see kurt's shirt?

-kurt writes comic books for ten ton studios. kurt and i will make eyes at each other for another 5 hours before actually speaking. oh kuuuuuuuurt.
-i bump into posh, scopitone, and others. pictures are taken with oubiette, the "ugly doll" ice bat, and photography master chad micheal ward.

-at the end of the day i catch a cab home. my cabby and i end up getting so distract in our conversation about family, god, happiness and life, that we pass the house three times!
-about 20 mins after i get back to mike's house, there's a black out. sweet! so we all sit around drinking wine and chatting about life. after a nice relaxing while of that, and scrambling for flashlights, we head out to a sushi dinner. mark, and his sweet as pie girlfriend, meet up with us.
delicious miso soup, hot sake, and awesome dinner buddies. follow that with the best chocolate cake i've ever had, and a few impromptu guitar solos by mark. i'm set for the night. san diego is officially way better than la. i'm never leaving.
day four (sunday)
-official children's day, and last day of comic con.
-the day i had a glorious make out session with my con crush, kurt.
-it's creepy when parents want you to take pictures with their kids. ESPECIALLY when they've already stated that they "um.....recognize you from the site".
-amina, chloe, trixie, candy, and i @ the sg booth.
- chaos. of all the days, childrens day is the day we're all over the top, uncontrolably raunchy.
there are no words for this.

all pirates are welcome to trixie's booty.

apparently you can spead chloe like peanut butter.

but keep your paws of candy's hella sic tatties.
and me?

i guess my mouth wants to meet your cock. thanksamina!

-and the ride back home? octegon and i listening to stand up comedy, eating charms sweet and sour lollies.
i DARE YOU to have had a better comic con experience than i did. ♥
I say you buy my car, then work on the liscense getting.
I need to pay the rent.
I would love to go to a comic convention, but I would probably be too intimidated by all the comic book people to have fun.