Eeeeeeep! Gah I'm shite at updating this shindigger! Sincere apologies for my lameness of entries and shardyness of demeanour :\ I'm rubbish and suck at the internet. But nay! I am home for another fleeting visit to the old mumski and daddo so thought i'd type afew words of wisdom...or total bullflange.
Oh emm geez0rz!
Boosh live was absolutely, incredibly, remarkably goshdarnmotherfriggingly amazing lyke wooooah! It totally surpassed even my wildest fantasies! Ok hmmm maybe not my WILDEST noel fielding fantasies...but definitely my more demure ones where he's wearing the little pants...
I won't harp on about it but it really was the most extraordinary pantominesque feat of pantwettingly awesome comedic stylings to walk with the legs of a ram
The Nottingham show was ace despite not getting into the aftershow party (grumble grumble) because of stupid gubbins to do with Dans ex pigging girlfriend
I was angered. VERY angered. But we shall not dwell on that. Cardiff was ace as well and made even acerer by my mum snorting with laughter and almost frapping herself off over Bob Fossils down and duuuurty dance moves, we loves abit of Fossil in this familyee
Other than Booshing about abit I have been quite boring. Lots of working and spazzing around. I think Lola might have a guinea pig form of turettes
there she is, going about her daily guinea-business, chillin in the hay and enjoying her shards of lettice, but she twitches all the time in some crazy, sporadic manner which i initially thought was her excitement at playing with such a coolass mumski-bitch as myself...but have slowly come to realise actually look more like a nervy, involuntary spazzout session! Can guinea pigs have nervous twitches? Cripes, I dunno...
Anyway, I'm off to check out the new boobycleavezingers on here! Take care ya lovely sexy bummers
Oh emm geez0rz!

Boosh live was absolutely, incredibly, remarkably goshdarnmotherfriggingly amazing lyke wooooah! It totally surpassed even my wildest fantasies! Ok hmmm maybe not my WILDEST noel fielding fantasies...but definitely my more demure ones where he's wearing the little pants...

I won't harp on about it but it really was the most extraordinary pantominesque feat of pantwettingly awesome comedic stylings to walk with the legs of a ram

Other than Booshing about abit I have been quite boring. Lots of working and spazzing around. I think Lola might have a guinea pig form of turettes

Anyway, I'm off to check out the new boobycleavezingers on here! Take care ya lovely sexy bummers

Reality sure is booring now and then, i'd go to Tokyo for lunch and be back before noon
Yay!! (i need to find some, i guess eBay is a sure win for magic shoes
BTW... you are adorable...